Me box jumping 43'' inch box

^Jumping builds a fast rate force of development in the legs... will improve squats and deads, and also will make you faster.
pineapple said:
Pretty good. Impressive.

Thanks.. I'm trying to ouutjump all the black kids at my high school. at 5'8'' 205ish i can grab rim, aiming to dunk a tennis ball in a few months haha
first i saw the blue box and was like I could jump that...then i saw the pile on top. I couldn't do that if my life depended on it. Pretty cool
^yeah the first box is only 25'', HS girls jump that pretty easily lol... thanks
I use to be a good jumper, then I quit. Still pretty neat to see someone who can jump high or long. Not everyone can do that.
jlozan84 said:
Skar - do you do plyos and/or Olympic lifts to help in this area?

jumping is plyos... I dont do the olympic lifts, I have dynamic days for my upper and lower body though. I mainly use the box squat, its superior to the power claen anway.
skarhead1 said:
jumping is plyos... I dont do the olympic lifts, I have dynamic days for my upper and lower body though. I mainly use the box squat, its superior to the power claen anway.
Not all plyometric programs are jumping. lol
True, i was just making the point I do all sorts of different jumps and rotate them.