Me Myself and I.... Janet :)


First of all.. Let me intriduce myself.. My name is Janet.

I was surfing on the internet and then a friend told me to visit this forum.. cause I am really into fitness and health for the past couple of years.

I was saddened by the tsunami disaster that has decimated parts of Asia. The catastrophic death toll and damage to several countries have made me stand up and take note of how precious life is. Therefore, I'd like to provide you with places you can go to donate money. Even just the tiniest of donations can go a long way into rebuilding and sending supplies to those in need. Thank you for your attention.

American Red Cross International Response Fund
Oxfam Asian Earthquake & Tsunami Fund
Sarvodaya Relief Fund for Tsunami Tragedy
Or Giro 555

I will also post some pictures of myself.. I am the 2nd on the right :) in the 1st pic.

2nd pic: Different Emotions of me.

3rd pic me and my friend at the bowling center ( me on the right).

4th pic me in the early morning.

5th pic The end!
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u look pretty jacked but i wanted 2 know if ur 1 of thoes bros who neglects the most important lift of all: squats
sall good man....and now back to our regularly scheduled self pimping tsunami relief caring bowling chic started thread.....
my recall is a little off as i have bumpoed more coke in the past 24h than this janet bro and friends combined
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Bimmer said:
what is happening here?

the pics and other key posts have been removed....this whole thread should be was money though with the "nice wheels bro" comment
iamcdn said:
the pics and other key posts have been removed....this whole thread should be was money though with the "nice wheels bro" comment

now janet is back with pics? this is some confusing shit :insane2:
I want more pictures... you guys probably scared her away! IDIOTS, GOSH!(napoleon)
very impressive my dear lady u look awsome and very pretty too keep up with the smiles they suit u and please post some more pics if u could "never let anyone tell u that u'r ugly when the one that speaks is a beast" remember this quote from me drop me a line if u wish hope to hear from u and all the best to u ......:kis: :smooch: :yum yum:
chamuko said:
very impressive my dear lady u look awsome and very pretty too keep up with the smiles they suit u and please post some more pics if u could "never let anyone tell u that u'r ugly when the one that speaks is a beast" remember this quote from me drop me a line if u wish hope to hear from u and all the best to u ......:kis: :smooch: :yum yum:
