

Its been 3 months since I have worked out. I have had lots of things going on. I am starting back today and in about a month I am going to post some pics and a journal on my restart. For one its going to show muscle memory. And after a month or two I am going to run a tren only cycle and post pics of my results!!!!!!!

Heres some pics of my back on 8-28-08
Get your back straightend out before you fuck yourself up.

Your spine is crooked as shit and looks like a bad injury waiting to happen.
Have you done a tren only cycle before because if not you are risking the dreaded tren dick. There is a reason the vets say test should be at the base of every cycle.

It maybe the camera and you maybe slightly twisted but you may have a scoliosis as strega pointed out (hard to tell from photos).
I do have scoliosis! You guys need to be doctors. lol. I have had many many injurys from football. I was a linebacker in high school and I went through alot. These are older pics. And I knew there was going to be an uproar over the tren only cycle. But I have good sources that have done it and they know there stuff bro. Tren only does work!!! Of course its better with test!! Everything is :) I am only going on an 6-8 week cycle and at a low dose of tren. I will be fine :)
oh and about my injurys. I have had plenty. I have worked through them and it is hard. I also messed my left shoulder up. the tendons and ligaments were tore and the bones were never pulled back together. My right coller bone has been broken and I was in an upper body cast. All these injurys were when I was a youth. I have been lifting on and off for about 8 years now. And about my back its fine. The only problems I have with it is my muscles get inflamed every now and then. All these thing are just that much worst when you 6'5". My stats in that pic:
bf% dont really know
3 cycles

stats now after 3 month lay off
bf% ?
im not going to preach.

but, along with muscle memory....if your diet is dialed in u will harden up nicely, u should look pretty yolked come post cycle. Def take pics of that.