Measuring Problem


I was making 100 ml's of prop at 200mg/ml with Dazed's solution. I put 20 grams of powder into my beaker then added the solution till 100ml's. Then i heated it till it fully mixed. I went to put the oil into a vial and i measured it along the way by adding up how much i was injecting into the vial. It came up with a little bit over 90 ml's. What am i supposed to trust, the beaker or the syringe? The beaker brand is Borosil if that helps. Any advice is appreciated. Thanks

What id like to know is if i should add 5-8ml's of solution or if i should just leave it. This is going to eventually be mixed with 100cc's of 150mg/ml tren to make a tren prop combo. I used water with the syringe and beaker after and they are definitely off.
I was thinking the same thing. Im gonna add some more solution. This makes my life such a pain the ass, i thought these beakers were going to make my life a whole lot easier. Thanks for the advice bro.

you know what? if ther beaker was warm when you added mixture it will expand. there fore making it appear as though you had more than you do. after it cooled it went back down. what size syringe did you use? if you used a 10 or smaller then that is not an accurate measurement either. post a pic of the vial and i can tell you if its 100ml or not. also there will be some waste when filtering. not 10% but 5% is not uncommon. i always add 5% or so to cover this. several possibilities here mi' amigo.
TxLonghorn said:
I'd trust the syringe over the beaker.

Ditto. Since oil and water have a 'skin' they can also make reading harder, if the diameter of the device is small. Dont know the size of your beaker.
pullinbig said:
you know what? if ther beaker was warm when you added mixture it will expand. there fore making it appear as though you had more than you do. after it cooled it went back down. what size syringe did you use? if you used a 10 or smaller then that is not an accurate measurement either. post a pic of the vial and i can tell you if its 100ml or not. also there will be some waste when filtering. not 10% but 5% is not uncommon. i always add 5% or so to cover this. several possibilities here mi' amigo.

Thanks for the replies. I have not filtered the prop yet, i just mixed the powder with the solution and heated it so it mixes. I am waiting to make the tren, then i am going to mix it all and filter everything at once. The oil and beaker were room temp when i mixed in it, and it was actually after heating that it showed around 93ish ml's in the syringe, which was odd to me because i know if anything it should expand when heated, so i should have seen more if anything. I was using a 10ml syringe when i measured after heating. I tried to post a pic of the vial but it isnt working for me, let me know if i can email it to you or something PB. Thanks

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email try squirtig water into the beaker and measure backwards and see if there is any difference. just do 50 then 100 then what ever size you got. if the beakers off, doubtful, then mark lines accordingly. also the 5% rule is a good one to follow.
Sent you the email. I tried squirting water into the baker and 50ml's of water in the syringe was about 53-55ml's in the beaker.
Cool, ill just leave it as is. I am going to be mixing it with 100ml's of 150mg/ml tren to make my prop tren combo. Thanks for the help, youre the man bro.
