Metformin HCL....acquiring knowledge

I can't explain how it works but I'm a type II diabetic. I take Metformin @ a rate of 2,000 mg ED. 1,000mg tab twice a day. I have suffered a few hypoglycemic attacks but I am also on another med called Glimpride 8 mg ED. This helps keep my blood sugar level down. I'm still way above the normal range but that's because of my diet.

All I know is that if your Blood Glucose is in range it can stimulate a crash and thus the glycemic attack. I wouldn't mess with it. I think this can be dangerous. I say this because as I said I have had it happen, but I /we need to keep in mind the glycemic attacks may be stimulated from the Glimepiride and I tend to think that.

Yeah, I forgot to touch on that - metformin on its own can't cause hypoglycemia. I had the same problem with glipizide, a cousin to what you're on Mike.

Will this give noticeable gains, and fatloss comparable to insulin? Or not even close?[/B]

Honestly, much more the latter than the former unfortunately but of course it depends what dose of insulin you are comparing it to.

The effects on a non-diabetic may be similar to 2-3ius of humulin-r for example...or maybe less than 1iu, it's tough to quantify but it wouldn't touch a 10iu humalog preWO protocol for example.

Fat loss using insulin or similar products is obviously possible (see: lantus on a cut) but not really related to insulin use itself, it (and their) action(s) are the opposite of fat loss (they help shuttle nutrients indiscriminately)
All I'm hearing is that it's a miracle drug with no side effects.....sounds too good to be true.

How it looks on paper and the real world effects are very different. Its use will result in little to no change in body comp whatsoever.
There are 2 things it is good for IMO:

1- Entering Ketosis faster- Its GDA effects will allow you to enter ketosis about 12 hrs faster than it normally would take.
2- Preventing Insulin Resistance from developing while taking slin. If you run slin 5on,2 off and run glucophage (metformin) on the two off days it will prevent insulin resistance from developing (btw never run the 2 together,ie: same day, NEVER).

Those are really the only 2 practical applications I have found for the drug. It just doesnt deliver what you think it would in the wasy of assisting in adding muscle or even burning fat. Also one thing, it can really mess with your stomach and you can spend a lot off time on the toilet when taking it.
Again thanks for this guys. I'm really getting a good feel for this substance now. Hopefully this thread was informative to others as well as myself.