I like turtles.
I can't explain how it works but I'm a type II diabetic. I take Metformin @ a rate of 2,000 mg ED. 1,000mg tab twice a day. I have suffered a few hypoglycemic attacks but I am also on another med called Glimpride 8 mg ED. This helps keep my blood sugar level down. I'm still way above the normal range but that's because of my diet.
All I know is that if your Blood Glucose is in range it can stimulate a crash and thus the glycemic attack. I wouldn't mess with it. I think this can be dangerous. I say this because as I said I have had it happen, but I /we need to keep in mind the glycemic attacks may be stimulated from the Glimepiride and I tend to think that.
Yeah, I forgot to touch on that - metformin on its own can't cause hypoglycemia. I had the same problem with glipizide, a cousin to what you're on Mike.