theHULK9281 said:I ran some of designersupps beta solutions a while back. And, It was worthless, IMO. I didn't gain anything, and had to stop the cycle after a week and a half because I was getting puffy/itchy nips.........started nolva, and decided to sell the rest of the bottles .
But, I've seen some good feedback on it though.
pullinbig said:you aint gonna see much in a week and a half either. hell if you nips were gettig sore that should tell ya the stuff is good. I'll tell ya somethigf else too. all these 2 week cycles i keep reading about are worthless. come on guys do some research. if you doin 2 on and 2 off you body dont know what the hell to do. up down, up down, up down. its like living with a woman. up down, up down, up down. that makes about as much sense as taking a shower with a rain coat on. geez
pullinbig said:if they are getting great results with 2 on 2 off just think what would happen if they stayed on 8 weeks.
pullinbig said:if you had the glands removed why is you gyno coming back?
theHULK9281 said:Running a 17aa steroid over 6 weeks in frowned upon due to it's hepatotoxicity.
I did not have the glands removed, unfortunately. I wanted to do it, but my doc said it was not needed.
OXANDRIN said:I started Gaspari Methyl-D two days ago.... planning on doing 3mg per day for a few weeks..... Too soon to see any results/sides.