Mid-Cycle Blood Test Help? High Estrogen


New member
Hey all, so I'm doing a basic 500 test e cycle as my first cycle, 250 twice per week, and currently run 12.5mg of aromasin eod as my AI (6.25mg ed actually). I am currently almost at the end of week 7.

My estrogen came back high at 305 pmol/l (reference range <150) or 83 pg/ml. My pre-cycle bloods showed my estrogen at 107 pmol/l, or 29 pg/ml.

I have increased my Aromasin dosage to 12.5mg every day. My question is, is this enough? I am experiencing gyno sides (Sensitive nipples and look a bit bigger) and my libido has been off, and couldn't hold long lasting erections, or even full ones, during sexy times the other night and have felt tired a lot </3

I know everybody is different, but with 305 pmol/l, do you think boosting my dosage from 6.25mg ed to 12.5mg ed is enough? Should I also add some nolva for the time being to reduce the gyno? Thanks all
That's a good dose increase. Gyno is the presence of LUMPS, not just puffy nipples. If you're truly concerned, pick up some raloxifene imo.
Appreciate your reply. How long would you say is a good time to wait on my new dosage before checking my E2 levels again?
From a ugl. Don't have access to pharma grade

Pharma grade aromasin is easy to get, but if you want to control estrogen I recommend adex as it is cheaper and less often faked. Use the lion on the top of the screen to get it. I can vouch for their letro, and if letro is g2g then the adex is g2g too I would hope.
Why? rui has it research chem. Just thinking mat be bunk

I know what you meant. I was just making a joke about how quickly anything that seems like source talk gets crushed on here by mods lol. That decipticon always changes the titles to something funny.
I feel it's too late now to order a new AI this far into my cycle. Just finishing up week 7 of 12. Might give them a try next time. They don't seem to carry aromasin, do they?