HELP - High estrogens and prolactin


New member
I'm doing 250 mg of testo enanthate once a week and I'm currently at week #6.

Since my nipples became very sensitive, i hard my blood tests and the results are:

Estrogens 57.2 pg/ml (11 - 40)
Testosterone 12 ng/ml
Prolactine 21.90 pg/ml (4 - 15)
DHT 1374 pg/ml (250 - 990)

What should I do now? I'm not taking any AI since few weeks ago my estrogens were really low.
Should I take DUSTINEX to lower my prolactin?
I think the estrogen level can be considered as "acceptable" for the moment, is it correct?
So I should avoid to take Anastrozole and just take dustinex to lower the prolactin?

My nipples are very sensitive and they became hard very easily (i.e. when I wear a t-shirt)
I started to take 0.5mg of Cabergoline (DUSTINEX) yesterday and i'll take another 0.5mg in three days.

Do you think is it a good solution? I'm really worried since I don't want to have gyno.
I took Cabergoline 0.5 mg twice in a week and now my prolactine is good! It is 6 pg/ml and my nipples don't hurt anymore.

The estrogens are still high 115 pg/ml and so now I'm taking 0.5 Anastrozole once a week the same day I get the testosterone injection.

Is it OK for you? Should I take more anastrozole?