Mid- cycle lab results- please evaluate


New member
Hi dudes,

I am starting my 7th week of Test cycle and just got my lab results in. I got the Hormone Panel for Females from LabsMD. I will post only the tests that had a high/low marker. I had blood drawn 24hrs after injection.

Glucose- 127 (65-99) I believe this is high because I had just eaten a large meal. I have never had any glucose problems before so please disregard.

Hematocrit- 52.9 (38.5-50) High

FSH- <0.7 (1.6-8.0) Low

LH- <0.2 (1.5-9.3) Low

Estradiol- 95 (< or 39 pg/ml) High

Testosterone Total- 3706 (250-1100) High

My cycle is as follows:
250 mg Test Cyp twice a week
.5 mg Anastrozole twice a week
12 weeks total
No PCT- Going back to TRT after cycle
up from 176 lbs to 196 lbs

The good news is my gear is legit. From what I read 3706 is about where I should be for this test dosage.
As far as Anastrozole dosage, my thought was that since I am taking about double the Test dose during cycle I would need double the Anastrozole dose. I will increase that from .5mg twice a week (1mg total) to .25 every day (1.75 mg/week total). Does this sound like a good plan?

My Hematocrit is high. I give blood regularly and my next date should be coming up soon. Is there another way to lower this? How high must this be to really be dangerous?

I felt great into my fifth week but I have felt a little tired and sore the last two weeks. My hands and forearms feel tight and fingertips sometimes feel tingly. I took this last week off from working out and just did some light cardio hoping to recover a little. I feel a lot better. Any thoughts on why I would feel tired on cycle? Any thoughts on the tightness or tingles in fingers?

Thanks in advance.
I agree with your plan for increasing the AI dosage.

I think you are tired because your E2 is so high. That is a classic symptom. Tightness/Tingles: not sure what is causing that.

Really the only way to lower hematocrit is to lower your AAS dosage to allow it to decrease slowly over time or donate blood. I don't believe you are at the point where you are going to have a stroke, but it could be contributing to your fatigue. How is your blood pressure doing? Between the high estradiol and hematocrit I would think it is higher than normal for you.

How long until you can donate blood? What was your hemoglobin at? You want to make sure you won't get deferred. Donating platelets might help lower it or you could do a self-phlebotomy if you have the courage.
My thought on the tightness and tingles in the hands was possibly work out related. Not necessarily an injury but fatigued body parts from seriously hitting the weights. That is why I decided to take a week off. It seems to have helped. I also have read in the forums about people having bad back pumps and such when on cycle. Could this possibly be similar?

I have never had any previous BP problems. The nurse checked it a few weeks ago when I gave blood and it was normal. I will check it when I go to Walmart tomorrow.

My hemoglobin is 16.9 (13.2- 17.1 g/dl) It looks like I am approaching the top of the scale. My blood donation date is coming up within the next few weeks. I wasn't aware that donating platelets would help but I'll try it out. I will look into the self-phlebotomy procedures. My mom was a nurse maybe I could talk her into it.
Hematocrit and blood pressure aren't connected unless you develop a clot. You want to act on that ASAP. You're almost at the deferral range for the red cross. Maybe your Mom (I can only imagine the conversation lol) can help bring you down by draining a pint. :)