mid cycle sustaplex question


mundials here i come
hey guys im now on day 39 so almost 6 weeks on my t-bol,and sustaplex 325 1/2cc eod, cycle.

i started 6"1 212 at under 7% bodyfat then got up to 225 in the first 3 weeks. i had had a past issue with ph's and had some lumps forming from months after pct that started to flare up. a member here recommended letro at 2.5mg which i have been taking for the last 2 1/2-3 weeks and has help immensly my weight though dropped quick on the letro (assuming water) down to now 220.

my question is i was going to do the sus. for 8 weeks but i have 30ml so was thinking of doing it for 12weeks now instead does this sound good? will i still see gains at this length? thanks for any help once again guys.
Sus should be ran for a min of 12 weeks. I would recommend 14-16 weeks if u can. 8 weeks is way to short for any test cycle really, with the exception or Prop maybe......

In answer to ur question u'll be fine, run it longer than 12 if u can but no more than 16 weeks. If u can only run it for 12 weeks that's fine as well. Start ur post cycle therapy (pct) 3 weeks after last pin.
thanks guys i can easily run it for 14 or 16wks. so you think that will be fine for my first cycle? if so cool thanks again