Mild gyno


New member
Hey guys i would like some input here as i am a bit confused, i have noticed after my cycle which included trenavar that i have had a small increase in the gyno that started in puberty. But when i got my blood test done it showed estrogen of 15…. So does this mean this is definitely prolactin induced gyno?

Anybody with some input here would be MUCH appreciated.
Hey man, I'm new to all this as well, so my information is strictly just my opinion...but it sounds like you may have a case of rebound gyno. Im not sure what your estrogen level reading would imply, I've never dealt with that. However, the body does sometimes clear these things up on its own. Some people recommend getting letro, others nolva. Personally, a buddy of mine had a small case of gyno from a prohormone, he ordered Forma Stanzol from Mr. Supps. It took a little bit, but he told me it cleared the problem up for him. Maybe you could possibly look into that.

All the best bud
well while i had it my estrogen was 15 and that was 5 and half weeks after the cycle so its definitely not estrogen rebound. 15 is a low estrogen reading for sure and I'm thinking caber may be my best bet, but not sure i am trying b6 currently and haven't noticed anything yet
Ralox (serm) at 60mg for 8wks. Than try to blast Letro if it's still not gone or much much smaller. Once u start Letro at 2.5mg ED a pornstar in her knees looking to give u head won't even get ur libido going.
Take a raloxifene as suggested above. It will block the estrogen receptor in breast tissue. This results in almost no estrogenic effects being exerted on the effected cells- causing the cells to hopefully die. You cant always get rid of gyno - esp pubertal gyno but you can minimize with proper ancillary use. Right now Raloxifene seems the best route to me as well.