Milk Thistle, Hawthorne Berry, Licorice Root. Dosage Limits?


New member
I was wondering if there is a dosage that you should not go over for each of these three liver supp's:
Milk Thistle
Hawthorne Berry
Licorice Root

The reason I ask is because I just ordered some Higher Power M1T+ (this stuff includes liver protection in each dose).

The ingerdients in one pill are:
Milk thistle 175mg
Hawthorne Berry 150mg
Licorice Root 50mg
m1t 5mg

I am currently taking two pills a day. I was thinking ahead and considering maybe upping my dose to three pills a day if i dont see the results i want in a week or two. I just wanted to see if anyone knows of bad effects from taking too much liver supplements.
Im Takeing 1200mgs-1500mgs of Milk Thistle
And 1200mgs-1500mgs Of R-ALA A Day....And Im On 15mg's Of M1T
In case anyone was wondering about this too,
I came across some info on other websites that show that these doses are well under even recommended daily doses of each of the pure supplement. So you could easily take 50mg m1t a day and not have to worry about having tooo much of the liver supps.
I just know the only side with milk thistle is it can be heavy to digest once you take too much.
Once again, milk thistle can just be dried herb in a caps: it depends on the % silymarin content.