milk thistle


Iron Man
lately ive been having a pain in my right side... don't know what it is.. but i seem to be very prone to pain and im worried it may be liver :S ..

i just think that because it started since i been using creatine.. and i tend to get it when im drinking ...

would milk thistle be beneficial even for just being on creatine and not as ?

how much does it go for? and can i get it from a supp store?
There are many online sources. You can get it at a grocery store, walmart, GNC. It is everywhere. You can get it on ebay pretty cheap too.

Yes it helps the liver.
id say that Its not your Liver thats Hurting you Its your Kidneys. Just Drink Alot of Water and If It Persists then go to The Dr.
lol great to clear that up thanks... now my next question will be ...

anything to help the kidneys