Mixing and Storing HCG


New member
I ordered three 5,000 iu vials of Hucog HCG. It comes premixed in a 1ml solution. If I mix the 1ml of Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) solution with 4ml of bacteriostatic water, I will produce 5ml of injectable HCG. Injecting 1/4 cc would be equivalent to 250ius and injecting 1/2 cc would be equivalent to 500ius of HCG, right?

The only problem is...if I use 500cc's per week (2x250), it would take ten weeks to use it all, and it goes bad in 30 days after being mixed. If I use 1000ius per week (2x500,) it would go bad in five weeks, which is still exceeding the shelf life.

Here's what I was wondering. If I only extracted half of the 1ml solution from the vial to mix for injection and left the other half in the vial, would the other half go bad. It's supposed to last up to two years in the premixed solution. I wonder how much it would reduce the shelf life if you withdrew exactly half of it and left the other half in the vial.
So I guess I screwed up. It was my first order ever. I should have gotten 2,000iu vials instead of 5,000ius. What do people do who get 10,000iu vials? Do they megadose or what... because if you only use 1,000ius a week, more than half of the mixed Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) will go bad before you can use it?
I thought even though its said to have a shelf life of 30 days that it can still be good for 5 weeks.

Maybe some others can chime in.
Ok...here's what I'm going to do next time to make sure the Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) stays fresh.

I'm going to order Hucog 2,000iu vials of premixed HCG(even though it's premixed, you still have to add bacteriostatic water for accurate dosing). Then I'm going to add 3ml of bacteriostatic water directly into the the vial containing the premixed 1ml of Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) solution, thereby producing 4ml of injectable hcg(the vial the premixed solution comes in is said to be large enough to hold an additional 3ml). That way I don't even have to worry about mixing in a separate vial.

If I inject 1/2cc subcutaneously, it would be equivalent to 250ius. If I inject one whole cc, it would be equivlaent to 500ius.

Alldaychemist is the best price I've found. A six month supply runs about 75 bucks. You are better to buy in bulk because the shipping almost costs as much as the product.
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Volumnus are you using the Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) under a doctors order or on your own? The reason I was wondering was if I can't get my doctor to write a prescription I was thinking about buying and doing myself. Everything I've read has said if you are injecting T you should use this before the nuts totally disappear. Like you I know absolutely nothing about it.
well check my math for me...........
I have a couple of 11,000 iu vials
do I put 11 ml of water in it and then
1 ml = 1,000 iu
so for 500 ius 2 x per week I shoot
1/2 ml Sunday and wed

and definately not mix the second vial until the first is dry

1st time on Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) and my balls blow dust

I purchased 5000 Iu of HGC. It cam in 3 separate vials to be mixed for a 43 day supplu. i HAVE BEEN TOLD BY ONE PERSON THAT USES Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) that you mix the powder with 20 cc of Bac water and alos that you use only 5 cc to mix it. So Does each small vial of powder mix with 5 cc or would I mix all 3 with 20cc or can you please clear up my confusion?????