Mixing Test-E and HCG first time


New member
Hi guys, today is my first time injecting Test-E and HCG into my body. As I read from posts on this forum, we could able to mix Test-E and HCG into 1 syringe and inject it into our body. But as I did early this morning, I couldn't do it perfectly I think. I took 1ml of Test E first, and then I grabbed the HCG bottle and took 1 ml of it. But when I tried to get HCG, the compound mixed together and created so many bubbles. That made me unable to measure the correct amount of products I supposed to have. Then I just ignored and get the exactly 2ml of the compound of Test E and HCG with bubbles.
Do you guys have any tips about this issue?
Should I separate the injection into 2 times for each products or no?
I know it's doable, as some on here do mix them, but I don't think I would mess with it if it's causing you trouble.

I've always injected my HCG subQ, in the belly, with a 29 gauge slin pin. Painless and easy. Even easier if you mix it so you only need to inject 0.1 ml of it.

One thing I just thought of is drawing up the HCG first and then the test...no idea if that would matter but it may be worth a try.
Draw the test into a syringe.

Draw the hCG with an insulin syringe. Then backload it into the syringe with the Test.

You will still get bubbles but you will know you have the right quantities.
Well now...that is an easy way around it. :wallbash:

Has anyone here tried both IM and subQ and noticed a difference? My current doc insists that IM is the way to go but I've always done subQ and it works, so I'm resistant to change.
I do IM for hCG injections. No difference.

Current doc used to inject me 3x in the same spot. For some reason he only has 1ml syringes, so my test dose took 2...then came the hCG. Maybe it just hurt like hell because my ass had already been tenderized but I just started to hate those HCG shots.
Current doc used to inject me 3x in the same spot. For some reason he only has 1ml syringes, so my test dose took 2...then came the hCG. Maybe it just hurt like hell because my ass had already been tenderized but I just started to hate those HCG shots.

He pinned you 3x without rotating at all? Man that's horrible practice.. No wonder it hurt like hell. Good way to build up scar tissue quickly too.
He pinned you 3x without rotating at all? Man that's horrible practice.. No wonder it hurt like hell. Good way to build up scar tissue quickly too.

Yeah, I know. He didn't flinch at 250/week and seems receptive to upping it further if my BW holds out. I just had to endure a few months of doing it his way before he turned me loose. I'm pretty sure he wrecked my delts though. If 300mg/week starts showing up in my mail box I'll forgive him.