MK677 How similar to GH is it? Bone growth?


New member
Hey guys, I would just like to know if the use of MK677 can first off hinder your natural gh production? Or even cause suppression after your off or while on?

Second, Does it cause bone or cartilage growth like gh does?
Hey guys, I would just like to know if the use of MK677 can first off hinder your natural gh production? Or even cause suppression after your off or while on?

Second, Does it cause bone or cartilage growth like gh does?

Some excellent info for you bro:

In a study on M677's effects on catabolic states, a once daily oral dose of 25mgs was given to healthy young men subjected to short-term diet-induced nitrogen wasting. After 7 days of this dose, the subjects showed a sustained increase in serum concentration of IGF-1 and Growth Hormone; in addition, the nitrogen wasting was reversed, showing great potential for treatment of conditions involving muscle wasting.

Trials testing the effects of this GHS on fighting obesity showed an increase in lean body mass, but neither total, nor visceral adipose tissue was effected. This study gave subjects 25mgs of Nutrobal per day for 8 weeks. The subjects showed an increase in basal rate after 2 weeks, and an increase in serum levels of GH, IGF-1 and IGF-1 binding protein-3. Increase in lean body mass was hypothesized to be caused by an increase in calorie deposition into the muscle and appetite decrease as opposed to reducing fat storage directly.

A study done for the treatment of osteoporosis and bone mineral density showed some increase in bone density, so there is a true impact on bone mineral density. This can help with injury recovery during your cycle.

Other possible benefits of Nutrobal are associated with improved sleep, improved complexion, increase in energy levels, increase nitrogen retention, increase strength and an improved sense of well being. In addition, some studies also suggest that an increased immune system response was caused by Nutrobal (Mk-677), meaning it boosts the immune system to a degree.

How can it help you?

Elevated growth hormone has literally endless list of benefits to the human body, why do you think everyone tries to get their hands on HGH? That's why Nutrobal (Mk-677) is so effective, it increases Growth Hormone and IGF-1 levels.

As the studies show, Nutrobal can be used for a number of reasons from growing muscle mass, to getting shredded. It does not compete with the levels of growth hormone one can get from exogenously administered HGH, so you can use it with hgh cycles. In fact, by using nutrobal, you can easily get amazing increases of your own natural growth hormone pulses without having to deal with annoying and painful daily HGH injections. It's like using HGH without having to inject daily.

In a multitude of studies, Nutrobal (Mk-677) increased IGF-1 levels by between 39-89%. To give you an idea of what IGF-1 does, here are some IGF-1 benefits:

Increased Fat Oxidation (fat loss).
Increased Muscle gains (lean mass).
Tightening up loose skin.
Healing old injuries.
Healing Bones, Tendons and Ligaments.
In fact, many users report growing up to 6 lbs of lean muscle mass in 8 weeks of IGF-1 only cycles. That's an amazing result, but injecting IGF-1 daily is painful, costly and frustrating. Now, there is an oral-only alternative.
It does not hinder the body's own natural night time pulse. It really does not matter what time of the day you take it, either, as long as you try to stay consistent, since it has a 24 hour half-life. I would take it in the morning when you get up.
Has anyone seen bloodwork from this? Does it have an impact on Hdl or LDL numbers, cause high blood pressure or have any negative effects. Does it have an impact on testoerone or cause shutdown of any sorts? It sounds too good to be true. There has to be something of concern.
Has anyone seen bloodwork from this? Does it have an impact on Hdl or LDL numbers, cause high blood pressure or have any negative effects. Does it have an impact on testoerone or cause shutdown of any sorts? It sounds too good to be true. There has to be something of concern.

Yes, I've been doing bloods regularly while on MK. I've been on it for 4 months now. Cholesterol is great, blood pressure normal (never been a problem for me) and nothing else of concern. No liver toxicity either. And IGF-1 is consistently flagged as high and it's been climbing, 10, 15, 20% above the high end of the range. I plan to stay on it for a while and see how things stabilize.

The results I've personally seen: Super fast recovery from workouts. I never get sore anymore no matter how hard I train and I'm ready to hit the same body part again a lot sooner. Muscles feel constantly pumped and full. Strength is up. Minor injuries (elbows) have improved dramatically. Sleep is great, I feel more rested/refreshed in the morning. Skin looks great (clear and toned) and nails grow like weeds! Bottom line - you definitely feel like your younger self again. I think MK shines for us middle age folks. Younger guys may not get as much out of it since their GH and IGF-1 are high naturally.

Here's a fun story. 3 weeks ago I had to get a gum graft (ah, middle age). I was curious to see if the MK would impact my healing. I noticed that I could manage the pain easily and didn't have to use nearly as much pain medication as the Dr. had prescribed. At the 1 week post-op, when the doctor opened my mouth to check things out, she started literally screaming and called other doctors and assistants to come look. She said that the graft looked great and that I was healing at twice the pace as is normal, she couldn't believe it. I credit the MK for a lot of this :)

The one thing I haven't noticed is any help regarding fat loss. I've been trying to lean out a bit and I'm in a slight caloric deficit now, but my pace of fat loss is the same as it's been other times - no noticeable difference. However what is undeniable is that I've been able to retain muscle and strength a lot better during the cut.

As of side effects. #1 is hunger... which makes it harder if you're trying to lower your calories. When bulking though it's a godsend as you're hungry constantly. #2, minor bloat/edema which for me was mostly around my feet and ankles. Shoes would fit tighter and socks would leave marks. This lasted for about the 1st month but then gradually subsided, and it's totally gone now. I've read that this bloat is quite severe for some people to the point that they have to lower their dose significantly or stop altogether. I'm lucky it wasn't that bad for me, and I'm using the full dose of 25mg/day.

Sorry for the long post but I'm loving this stuff. In all my research I haven't found reports of it being problematic for long term use, so at this point I'm sold and I'll see if I can stay on it for a year. This is the type of substance that helps over the long term as it primes your body for growth and healing, a marathon rather than a sprint so to speak.
What happens when you stop taking it? I assume you can't take it forever and I'm guessing it going to shutdown your natural production. Is there a post cycle protocol and if your joints do repair themselves what happens when you quit? Do you go back to nagging joint pain or are the benefits permanent?
What happens when you stop taking it? I assume you can't take it forever and I'm guessing it going to shutdown your natural production. Is there a post cycle protocol and if your joints do repair themselves what happens when you quit? Do you go back to nagging joint pain or are the benefits permanent?

I stopped taking MK-677 about 2 weeks ago. I noticed no shutdown or any other pains etc. I've been running it for 3 months though.
What happens when you stop taking it? I assume you can't take it forever and I'm guessing it going to shutdown your natural production. Is there a post cycle protocol and if your joints do repair themselves what happens when you quit? Do you go back to nagging joint pain or are the benefits permanent?

It doesn't shut you down, since you're not providing exogenous GH. MK works by stimulating your own GH production. I would think that at worst, your GH and IGF levels would go back to their baselines when you stop.
how much longer do you plan on taking it for?

I already stopped taking it because of number of issues that I can handle in a cutting cycle.

1st is the hunger issue. It makes me think about food all the time so I can't really focus on my daily work, study etc.
2nd is the water retention issue. I got acnes and bloat.

So I would not suggest MK-677 for cutting. That's why I had to stop when it started to kick in and these unwanted sides occured.
I've been reading more about Mk-677's ability to repair joints and I'm skeptical. It seems to me that ligaments will not repair unless they have a blood supply and I don't think they do. How can Mk-677 repair a ligament if their is no blood supply which is crucial in the recovery/repair?
ligaments would not be able to develop and grow from birth without blood, water, and oxygen supply . ligaments blood supply is received at its insertion point. its limited , especially compared to muscle, but it is there and is needed for growth and cellular repair.

cut out the sources of life (blood, oxygen, water) from any living cell and it will die;
even your bones receive these essentials of life and break down and are rebuilt (the bone cells you have in your body right now are completely different then the ones you had 7 years ago). this can't happen without blood , oxygen and water (other nutrients as well)
