Get a job. All you really need is a part time job. That will buy you plenty of protein and creatine. DOn't need anything else. Lots of food and milk.IFBBPro said:If you are still young like me (20) and still on college, have no job, and live with parrentsetc... how do you get all you need for bodybuilding? We EAT like horses, we drink whey protein like horses, that all costs. How do you handle that?
Tafman said:your parents dont buy eggs, tuna, rice, oatmeal, cottage cheese, chicken? what do they buy then, junk food?
Behemoth said:You don't need the glutamine if you are using whey.
he didn't have 2, he had GEARBlackVR said:try not 2 depend on "supplements" eat reall food, high in protien and calories, orwhatever your goals are,, try and keep the "supplements" for when you really need them.. i f that makes sense to you.. most people buy a bunch of crap and only take that stuff and not eat enough real food,, you should be eating so you dont even have to rely on overpriced think arnold back in the day went to gnc and spent 100 bucks on a week supply of supplements? lol most likely not