More volume does not equal more growth?

It still all boils down to time under tension with appropriate form and resistance. Sure, swinging 30lb dumbbells like the retard next to me tonight 30x might induce some hypertrophy, but if he had slowed down and actually let his muscles do the work - there'd be a better response.

Keep in mind, AAS does bend a lot of the "rules", which is why morons can get "jacked" eventually. It's also why it has such a bad stigma in general - too many are able to do things improperly and still benefit, feeding the negativity that the public perceives regarding AAS use.

My .02c :)
Yeah, regardless of the volume or frequency it should always be intense, by this I know we should always train at least 1 to 2 reps to failure, if not we are not causing enough muscle damage to grow more, but what I meant is why going for a split if we can recover faster on AAS, so either full body or push pull legs would be more optimal. Please correct me if I am wrong
it should ALWAYS be assumed that intensity is there.. so when one says 'more volume' 'better form' 'more time under tension' etc. etc***8230; we never mean stray from the fact that intensity should ALWAYS be there.. its not, volume vs intensity.. intensity should be there, resistance should always be there,, period.
it should ALWAYS be assumed that intensity is there.. so when one says 'more volume' 'better form' 'more time under tension' etc. etc***8230; we never mean stray from the fact that intensity should ALWAYS be there.. its not, volume vs intensity.. intensity should be there, resistance should always be there,, period.

I know, intensity is KEY regardless of being ON or OFF AAS, what I mean is that everybody is usually doing a 5 day split Example :Chest, back, shoulders, arms, and legs and wait 7 days to hit that muscle again, I think it would be better to do something with more frequency, because we recover faster, the risk of non functional overreaching on AAS I think is 0 unless you are WAY OVER your genetic natural potential, correct me if wrong.
Overload, overload and overload with the correct movement. Most important is the muscle and mind connection. The mental concentration of the exercise and muscle under stress. Diet and rest.
So I was working a muscle every 5 day. That was my best routine. Your muscle will start to atrophy in 3 days.
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I know, intensity is KEY regardless of being ON or OFF AAS, what I mean is that everybody is usually doing a 5 day split Example :Chest, back, shoulders, arms, and legs and wait 7 days to hit that muscle again, I think it would be better to do something with more frequency, because we recover faster, the risk of non functional overreaching on AAS I think is 0 unless you are WAY OVER your genetic natural potential, correct me if wrong.

Yeah once a week is not enough,, especially on AAS where recovery is down right awesome.. I hit each muscle at least twice per week,, some muscles groups even more.. Like my calves I hit three days ago during my arm workout, well yesterday was legs so even though they were sore I hit them again with high intensity and moderately heavy weight, 800 lbs calf raises by 120 reps.. They will recover just fine and be ready to hit again soon,, As long as I get enough rest and proper nutrition
Bump from a year ago.

Now I get it time under tension, but doesn't your body recruit more muscle fibers when in the concentric phase of the lift you move the weight as explosive as possible(in strict form)?

I've been focusing on the pump a lot more lately, which I've always gotten great pumps that literally make me look 5-10lbs heavier than I looked before I got to the gym.

I'll admit on the eccentric phase, I could probably go a little slower, but in the concentric I try to be explosive.
Bump from a year ago.

Now I get it time under tension, but doesn't your body recruit more muscle fibers when in the concentric phase of the lift you move the weight as explosive as possible(in strict form)?

I've been focusing on the pump a lot more lately, which I've always gotten great pumps that literally make me look 5-10lbs heavier than I looked before I got to the gym.

I'll admit on the eccentric phase, I could probably go a little slower, but in the concentric I try to be explosive.
welcome to the site. what are your stats, age, weight etc. etc. etc.
Going slower on the eccentric can be a good way to break out a little bit. May require that you lower the weight.
welcome to the site. what are your stats, age, weight etc. etc. etc.

30, been training on and off since 18 years of age learning along the way. 5'8" 155lbs, just getting back into it after a break, never taken a steriod but a couple legal prohormone cycles (non methylated), I believe you posted in my new member introduction thread.
Do you have a cycle lined up?
I think you should get blood work before you do anything. Thats the usual protocol. Pre, peri, post bloodwork to see where you stand. Also focus on your diet now. Develop your best diet plan and the good habits associated. Put on some weight without going over 15% BF , ideally try to stay at 12%.
Do you have a cycle lined up?
I think you should get blood work before you do anything. Thats the usual protocol. Pre, peri, post bloodwork to see where you stand. Also focus on your diet now. Develop your best diet plan and the good habits associated. Put on some weight without going over 15% BF , ideally try to stay at 12%.

Yeah I plan to see my primary and get blood work, then possibly do a cycle of test e 500mg/wk.

But this thread I was interested in discussing training theories.
in my opinion more IS better and overtraining is BS when you're taking AAS. I believe that the key to hypertrophy is training IN failure. It's all about getting those insane, painful pumps
in my opinion more IS better and overtraining is BS when you're taking AAS. I believe that the key to hypertrophy is training IN failure. It's all about getting those insane, painful pumps

I agree, I do a lot of 2 a Day sessions when I'm On-Cycle.
Just to get that Extra Pump............................. JP
AAS get called "perfomance enhancers" but a major part if their action is "recovery enhancement". Give it something to recover from!!!!

I think time under tension is a huge deal and like mentioned above ^^^^just slinging a weight around won't do nearly as much as going a little slower. Even dropping weight. 8 reps on a bench press bouncing it off your chest and not gettinf full extensions with 200lbs isn't as demanding as a controlled, full range set at 180. Not even slow reps, just controlled.
I personally get the best results from different exercise each time (while ON i train each muscle groups twice a week) but i've noticed my body responds the absolute best to low reps, max reps, low reps, max reps. If I go for max pump or max weight I never get the same results as combining the both.
My PT however insists on always going max weight to failure.
Personally i prefer the slow 10 second negative sets. nothing kills me the day after as finishing up with painfully slow reps.