Mouth ulcers


New member
Im almost at the end of my cycle and this is the second time in this cycle that I have got mouth ulcers. They are really sore and last for a week or so, to the extent that it is really sore to chew a steak or chicken.
It really sucks cause you just dont feel like eating!
Has anyone else had this problem? Is it a sign of possible liver or kidney problems?
wow, never heard of juice causing mouth ulcers. Maybe you have a gum infection or something?
B vitamin deficiency gave some puss pockets to a girl at work. Canker sores might be what you mean, there is OTC topical medication for those.
I have had the exact same problem a few times, but normally it has happened to me at the begining of a cycle where I was running a gram or more a week.

I was told by a Dr. at the time that it had to do with drastic changes in hormonal levels.

I took a bunch of zinc supps and it seemed to help, I actually chewed them and swished them around in my mouth before swallowing.

Also the good 'ol standby of warm saltwater helps.
thanks fellas,
Im not quite taking a gram but close to it; 500 deca pw & 800 test cyp pw.
I read an article about Tom Prince and his recent kidney problems in muscle and fitness mag. He said that he had severe flu like symptoms and could barely swallow a piece of chicken just before he discovered that he had kidney failure!
if it is a cold sore, it is a form of herpes and yes, it can be spread from one person to another with contact. However, what you are describing sounds like canker sores. I get them alot when I eat alot of citrus/pasta sauce. Foods that are considered acidic usually do it for me. They hurt, but will go away.
If they occur in the mouth (tongue, cheeks) and you have gotten them before, they are probably apthous ulcers. You need a liquid anesthetic to rinse with. It will numb the mouth and reduce pain. They usually go away after 7-10 days. See your dentist.
brush and gargle three times a day with baking soda. not baking soda toothpastwe. just plain soda. will keep the mouth clean. an occassional rinse with peroxide also. both taste like shit but works.
This is kinda a little off topic but during this last cycle-- 300mg ethan week/ 350 prop week--my limph nodes have been swelling up-- during the peak of my cycle my limph nodes started causing me trouble and swelling-- it started about 6 weeks into the cycle--- anyone ever had this problem or herad about it? Any info is appreciated
Im almost at the end of my cycle and this is the second time in this cycle that I have got mouth ulcers. They are really sore and last for a week or so, to the extent that it is really sore to chew a steak or chicken.
It really sucks cause you just dont feel like eating!
Has anyone else had this problem? Is it a sign of possible liver or kidney problems?

You don't chew tobacco do you?
thanks fellas,
Im not quite taking a gram but close to it; 500 deca pw & 800 test cyp pw.
I read an article about Tom Prince and his recent kidney problems in muscle and fitness mag. He said that he had severe flu like symptoms and could barely swallow a piece of chicken just before he discovered that he had kidney failure!

I've read some studies conducted in 2009 from PubMed. The study followed 10 bodybuilders who had used steroids consistently for years. Most of the subjects were experiencing kidney disease (protein leakage). The kidneys were overworked and had developed scarring. After cessation of steroids, all subjects kidneys made a full recovery except for one individual who's kidneys were severely damaged. I've been blasting and cruising for over 2 years (mostly blasting). During this time I have developed mouth sores and tongue ulcers. There is a link between kidney disease and mouth sores. The kidneys become less efficient at removing toxins from your body, therefore causing toxin build-up which may manifest it's self in the form of mouth ulcers. I have not pinned in over a week and my ulcers have almost disappeared completely. I'm going to take a long break, if I even decide to run anything ever again. Your health should be a number one priority. Listen to your body.