msten, epiandro rx, osta, s4,test e 250. have a few qu


Cool As Fuck
Bf ca.14
Lifting 2.5 years non stop after a 10 year break.
This will be my 4th cycle. First time with these orals normally i would run dbol and anavar alongside test, trenand masteron

So im planning and stacking everything before starting this one. I've done quite a bit of research on msten which turns out is superdrol worth a diff name. Which is not a PH but a full blown 17methyl steroid created 1959 alongside anavar and masteron. However medical companies only pushed masteron and anavar so "sdrol" never got a start

The next part my research came up with was that is very similar to masteron so that is nice since I'm a big fan of masteron.

Next part was the epiandro rx which is a PH and turns into testosterone once it hits your system. So being that i plan on running 500mg test e per week, if epiandro turns to test
should i reduce test e or run it at 500mg? Since i would imagine the sdrol would bump it up to around 750mg total test.

Now i also intend to run osta/s4 after the orals are finished. So here's the layout i planned.

Msten - 4-5 weeks at 10mg ed first week then double up to 20mg next 3-4 weeks
Epiandro rx - 5 weeks 140mg ed first week and raise it if feel i need to
Post cycle 3x - 4caps ed for 4 weeks
Blockade - 6 caps ed for 4 weeks
Test e 250mg/ml - 500mg per week for 20 weeks
Osta - 25mg ed for 8 weeks
S4 - 50mg ed for 8 weeks
HCG - 500 iu per week throughout cycle
Liquidex - .25 eod and raise it if nipples get itchy or puffy

Clomid - 100/75/50/50/12.5/12.5/12.5/12.5
Nolvadex - 40/40/20/20
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Ok. Seems to be tough getting info when it comes to PH. Well i will log this cycle, should see some real nice gains
the original sdrol is methasterone. Msten is a drug that gives similar results so they call it the new superdrol. not the same drug, but hasn't been banned.

I look forward to the log. There's not many longs out there combining SARMS with AAS so it will be interesting. I can only anticipate good things. '

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