MT2-First Timer


Denial is not a river!
Just bought a 10ml bottle of MT2, hopefully I will get a nice tan without too much UVs because I am photosensitive. I am only getting the 1 bottle to see if I get any reactions before purchasing more. It should last me 20 days. I am excited and will post before and after pictures!
By what you said you plan on taking .5mg per day for 20 days?
You should have some nice results from that!

I tend to load at same dose for 7-10 days them go to maintenance at .3-.5 once a week.

You may already know but be careful of your lips and scars.

Good luck and can't wait to hear results!
By what you said you plan on taking .5mg per day for 20 days?
You should have some nice results from that!

I tend to load at same dose for 7-10 days them go to maintenance at .3-.5 once a week.

You may already know but be careful of your lips and scars.

Good luck and can't wait to hear results!

I am open to suggestions.... Does that sound like too much to start with? I don't wanna look hood. lol, or waste it. Maybe .50 for 7-10 until desired results then go to .3 once/twice a week? I don't know cuz I have never done it before. From what I have read, it seemed ok... Also what happens to scars? I have a c-section scar (tiny) and two scars on my arm from a childhood tiger attack (jk, but that's what they look like). Whats the best way to protect lips? I was told to do the "lips are sealed" look while in fake and bake? Or should I put some sort of sun block?
.5 a day is way more than enough for a loading phase if even that! Once you hit desired Tan back it down to .2/.3 on taning days! It dosen't do shit with out sun or tanning bed! Sun results are double what you get in a tanning bed also!

Carefull because one can become to tan with this stuff. Lips and scars react the same as the do tanning regularly with out it! Scars tend to darken I did not experience any pulple lips or any of that shit and I layed out a ton! Got dark as hell also. Genetiles have a tendancy to darken more than the rest of the body! I would assume this applys to nipples as well?

You are very light complected so the results may not be quite as dramatic! If you tan well! Or easily you would expect your best ever tan but about 4 shades darker!

It made me nausious every single shot regardless of the dose! It passes very fast. Shot 10 to 30 sec naustious for about 30/60 sec! Then gone. Some claim fat loss and increase in labido. I didn't experience either of those. All in all def a good peptide to use if you want a tan nothing I have ever tried will beat what it does.

Note: Sassy I out weigh you by an easy 120/140 lbs and I didn't require higher doses than these.
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From what I read, you don't dose based on weight but on your skin type? I have researched a bit before hand and everything I got said that basing on your weight is old info. I believe I have Phitzpatrick skin type I or II and I should react to the MT2 very well. From what I read Melanotan stimulates melanin, particularly in low skin types. I cannot go into the tanning bed every day, I am allergic to UV rays. I break out into nasty hives. The most I will go into the bed is 6 minutes once or twice a week. What you are saying PB is not to pin unless I plan on going into tanning or I am wasting? What about loading up? I don't need to be tanning every day, right? Once I have my desired tan, and just need to maintain I can tan the day after pinning, right (I read to pin at night for nausea relief. Sorry, def not trying to sound like a know it all or anything (because I really don't AT ALL) just stating what I have read and trying to grasp exactly what I should do before pinning and potentially wasting product. Any input is deeply appreciated! =)
Ahh just reread our post PB. Got it... tan on days I pin for maintenance, which is what I thought, good. Do you think I should start with .25 or .30 and work up to .50 if I am not achieving good results?

Unfortunately, I would love to tan outside but my old Persian neighbors would be staring at me through there apt blinds. They already stare but I am afraid that will only make it worse....
No worry at all hun!

I was advised buy an experienced person prior to my experience and what I suggest is base on my experience.

Weight plays a role on every thing we put into our body! Take my word for it on the dosing of this stuff. It does not require the dosing you see on all the tanning sights! To work very well. This stuff was designed for people just like you. To help prevent skin cancer.

If you choose to do the loading phase as you have read you will just be wasting your money IMO.

I would recomend dosing as such I think you will be happy!

do .5 every day you want to tan try to hit it at least 3 time in the first week for what you can tolorate time wise.

Pin 20/30 min before you go tan after that pin .2/.3 a week or every other week to maintinance tan.

If your not dark enough after the first few tans you can alway add anoth .5 day in there. Keep in mind you will continue to darken even on the lesse dose
You will have to play with it to figure out what is best for you but this is a guide to get you there.

Remember no sun no tan! U could load it at .5 for 7 to 10 days it isn't going to hurt u. I just thinks its over kill.
Ahh just reread our post PB. Got it... tan on days I pin for maintenance, which is what I thought, good. Do you think I should start with .25 or .30 and work up to .50 if I am not achieving good results?

Unfortunately, I would love to tan outside but my old Persian neighbors would be staring at me through there apt blinds. They already stare but I am afraid that will only make it worse....

LOL well I would stare or just come join you more likely LOL use .5 to load up
Just a note I have not used it much since summer I tan once in a great while! Probably a month and a half or more since last tanning bed. I just got a compliment on my tan last week. I haven't been in real sun since Oct to damn cold here
Thank you very much. I will load up at .5 and do it every other day and go to fake n bake for 6 minutes each day I pin within the hour. It should help me build a base tan then I won't break out in hives as easily. Usually I get the hives when I burn. and I burn easy when I am pale. When I have a base tan, I don't burn as easy and actually get a nice brown. Its just the burn phase that gets me miserable.

Once I have the base tan and am not getting ANY hives, I will increase the times to 10 min in the bed and 2 days a week with injections of .3 the 2 times I go tan.

Then Ill be wearin my speedos tannin my cheeks... at the beach!

Does that sound good?

When I was a kid, I grew up in the Mojave Desert, lol I went to the lakes every weekend in the summer and was REALLY tan. The photosensitivity started a few years ago and now I look like a vamp. Not a good look in SoCal. Unless I am in the Twilight series and I'm not. lol