Muay Thai Injuries and Recovery


New member
Hi I am 30 yr old male, (5'11, 200lbs, & 24% BF), that was doing Muay Thai training 4x a week for 3hrs a day up until February.

I got injured during sparring that laid me off for over a month. Then I got injured again in another sparring match that has laid me off again. I was wondering is there something I can do to help recovery time from my injuries and get back to training?
Hi I am 30 yr old male, (5'11, 200lbs, & 24% BF), that was doing Muay Thai training 4x a week for 3hrs a day up until February.

I got injured during sparring that laid me off for over a month. Then I got injured again in another sparring match that has laid me off again. I was wondering is there something I can do to help recovery time from my injuries and get back to training?

muay thai is a brutal sport nothing your going to do will prevent injury , learn the ground game less injuries there.
What type of injuries are they? Sometimes over training and bad diet can make you injury prone. If you are pushing the body into the red zone then you need to make sure you diet and rest is up to par. And Bundy is right, I reduced my Muy Thai alot and stuck with BJJ it was alot easier on my body
I know I can't prevent injuries but I wanted to recover faster from training and the injuries I have received.

The first injury was to my achilles tendon on my left leg. When I was sparring, I kicked my opponent and he kicked me at the same time. We collided shins and right after that, I felt something was wrong. I finished the round limping and wasn't able to walk correctly. I'm not sure why my achilles was pulled so badly after a kick but I couldn't put any weight on my left leg for awhile.

The next injury was to my right big toe/foot. I was sparring again and my opponent caught my lead left kick and spun me. When he spun me, my big toe on my right foot got dragged while the rest of the foot spun. I felt like I had ripped off my big toe. My foot swelled up and I'm still unable to fully put pressure on my right foot and launch myself in a jog or sprint.

I enjoy Muay Thai more than anything and would love to train 4-5x a week.