Multiple passes for filtering gear?

Would there be any benefit to running my gear through an extra pass? I'm going to be using a 150 ml Nalgene Bottle Top Filter .20 µm PES w/ a glass media bottle. I was thinking that once I ran it through once, why not empty it back into the filter chamber and filter it again? Has anyone tried this? I've seen UG's saying they 3X filter... I figured I could just reuse the media bottle since it will be containing the "same" contents?
Made me lol a bit.

Think about it, if it passed through the filter membrane the first time its going to pass through again....all things considered its completely unecessary. I can see the logic in thinking it's a good idea, but its just a waste of time.

You can use your bottle top for other gear no problem. You can filter your test batch, then do a batch of EQ or whatever.