Muscle SORENESS...


New member
Idk what I'm doing wrong, but I need help.

I want to get in optimum shape before my first cycle...

24 y/o
235lbs (gained fat)
BF %25+


Eggs + steak (sometimes Toast)
or oatmeal + protein shake

Tuna/Turkey sandwich

Protein shake


night time snack:
Apple/Celery and Peanut butter

I'm paranoid about eating because I gain weight(fat) so easily... I work out hard and heavy, but it affects me... I am SORE for days and days. I use prework outs here and there, I use intra-workouts like BCAA, and I'm kind of disgusted with protein shakes. I was out of the gym for about a month for throwing my back out (due to a tidal wave) and now i'm getting back into the gym. I also take glutamine to help with soreness but it doesn't help really.

I'm having trouble staying motivated because I'm fat now...
I'm pissed off because I can't lift as heavy as I do
and when I lift as heavy as I can... I am SORE for days and it gets in the way and I cant make it to the gym the next day, If I do show up to the gym I have a half ass work out.

I'm planning on starting my first cycle soon, I'm waiting for my PCT.

Should I just jump into the first cycle? Maybe it'll help me with muscle recovery and fat loss as well as strength?
Or should I try to get more into shape before I hop on.

Before throwing my back out I was working out consistently for 6 months about 5 days a week. I've been lifting for about 6 years seriously and I have made a lot of big accomplishments like losing 60 lbs, the downside is I have a lot of loose skin and I'm easy to gain fat back quick.

All advice is appreciated.
First off let me congratulate you on how far you've come, that in itself should motivate you! When the going gets tough think about how far you have come and that if you did it once, you can do it again. Take your time and just do everything day to day, we all get tough times and it's all about perseverance. Maybe change up your routine or try something that looks new and interesting to light up the motivational fire! Youtube has some great motivation if you check out the videos. If your really sore then the next workout do a really good warm up with lighter weights to get you in the groove of things, I've had that happen numerous times it can be really impacting on your workout, just warm up a good amount till you feel good then hit your stride.
Thanks for your words Beast, they itself were motivational enough for me to get up and go right now. I'll check out some videos on youtube too! I hope when my time for a cycle comes, I have more stamina and quicker recovery... that's all I want.
I only workout 3-4 days a week max when I am training for mass, you grow OUT of the gym not in it.
try training eod. and onyl hit eachmuscle group 1-2 times a week max.

Good luck!

ohh and when I am sore I do use skelital balm from NTBM, feels nice the next day after a heavy workout.
Couple of things:

- Don't start an AAS cycle until you've lost a significant about of bf; you don't want to run anything at 25+% body fat.

- BCAAs should aid in the decrease of DOMS and looking into a natural GH product will likely lead to deeper sleep and help out, too.

- I lift 5 days a week, but I never lift a muscle group more than once a week and sometimes longer (other than abs and calves on occasion).
I like using powerchew bcaa to help prevent doms,although like the others said you need to give your body some down time to recover. Be well.
did anyone ever try vicodene when it was in stock?

Never got a chance.

And I think I'm going to go dip into the Power Chews glutamine right now. I had a Max-OT arm session, yesterday, and the DOMS are ridiculous right now -- really bad.
My take on this is that you're still well within the what-you-can-do-with-natural-gains zone. It's frustrating when you've made progress like that and think that more is just within reach. At 6'0" and 235, you're way over 25%, I walk around at 255lbs and I'm 6'5".

You seem to be getting DOMS. This is a good thing, because you're doing it right. I find that when I get DOMS, the best thing I can do is a light workout. Sometimes people call this "active rest", but usually that term means going for a light jog or a hike or something. The other thing you can do to avoid DOMS (and while I have done this in the past, I don't do it anymore) is work out, every single day. The reason this works is DOMS takes a day or two to really set in. You're effectively "pushing out the DOMS window" by working hard daily.

The problem with this latter approach is you don't build any muscle because your cortisol levels go up and you sleep poorly. You will see a huge increase in your work capacity over time, however. That is volume, though, not intensity, which may be what you're looking for (high reps, low weight vs high weight low reps).

I'm not sure I see a goal in your original post. Have you considered a ketogenic diet? They're great for burning fat, and once you become fat-adapted, you can still have a lot of energy to hit the workouts those 3-4 days a week you should be.

Also, what's your training like?