Muscles locking up on dbol/test cycle.


New member
Hey guys. I'm on my 4th week of 400mg test E /wk and last week of Dbol 40mg day.

My muscles are cramping up hardcore. I warm up with some tredmill and cant go past 5 minutes.. my calves want to explode.
Start lifting and my muscles are locked up to the max.
I thought it was due to a overdone workout so I took a day off and came back today and the same thing.
Maybe im not drinking enough water? I drink a minimum of a half a gallon a day. Could i just need more water?
Any ideas.. ??This is making my workouts near impossible.
you should be drinking at least 1 gallon per day, every single day, especially on dbol. but you're still going to experience some of that heavy pump, just gotta work through it. but definitely double your water intake. are you bloating as well? not drinking enough usually leads to some decent bloat with dbol.
you should be drinking at least 1 gallon per day, every single day, especially on dbol. But you're still going to experience some of that heavy pump, just gotta work through it. But definitely double your water intake. Are you bloating as well? Not drinking enough usually leads to some decent bloat with dbol.

Potassium or dehydration, "athletes" need to drink 10-20% more water than the average person (at minimum). Or, add at least 8 ounces extra per hour of exercise.

The number is something like .66 ounces per pound of bodyweight for an 'average' person, .75 for an active person. Plus its good for your skin.
Thanks for the great responses guys.

No bloat at all.. I started to get bloaty around the second week so i started running Arimidex 50 mg Eod.
I drink 3 gallons of water a day on dbol. I also take 3-5G taurine throughout the day.

Eat a banana every morning and DRINK MORE WATER.
1/2 gallon? you should be drinking more than that when OFF cycle and 4x as much when on
Well I am all for drinking 3 gallons of water a day..
Lol reminds me of that commercial with that guy golfing with the porta potty strapped to his back....
Thats a LOT of wee wees.
Not bad if your around the house most of the day... but out and a bout.. yeesh.
I always donate blood when beginning a cycle with dbol, never had problems with pumps...ditto for whoever gets the blood tho.