My 1st cycle looking for help


New member
Hi guys new to this great site and looking for some help for my first cycle.
I'm looking to do a total cutting cycle. I've been training for about 1 year and abit solid now but have trained on and off before hand and taken Clen before to strip the weight off me.
I need some guidance of what to take for the best cutting cycle some guys on forums reckon test400 and Winstrol (winny) other guys reckon tren and Winstrol (winny) or Clen.... Need help please thanks
Gonna need more info than that before anyone recommends anything.
Age, height, weight, BF% ? whats your cycle history and what compounds have you used?
Hi guys new to this great site and looking for some help for my first cycle.
I'm looking to do a total cutting cycle. I've been training for about 1 year and abit solid now but have trained on and off before hand and taken Clen before to strip the weight off me.
I need some guidance of what to take for the best cutting cycle some guys on forums reckon test400 and Winstrol (winny) other guys reckon tren and Winstrol (winny) or Clen.... Need help please thanks

OP, in all honesty and I speak from personal experience, if you are looking to cut (strip away body fat) contact 3J, he posted above me and talk with him about designing you a diet. Even if you get some gear, you will not get the desired results unless your diet is on point, gear is not a fix all it is a tool to be used along with proper diet. I have been working with 3J for the past few weeks and am completely blown away by the results I am getting and you will learn how to eat so that you can utalize any time down the road. The iceing on the cake is that it will cost you less to get a diet through 3J than it will for any gear that will have short term results.

Just my $.02, I wish you success!
only trsining a year.. ur a fitness baby man.. lift 2-3 more yesrs get better diet n routine.. create good form then repost!! gl.. stick to natural stuff
Well congrats on restricting natural potential before hitting the natural maximum gains and further exceeding it with the oils