My 1st Test E 250 and Deca 200 Cycle


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Test E 250/Deca 200-10 Week Cycle

Since this is my first Test E/Deca cycle and I am currently doing this:

Week 1 - 1/2cc Test E 1/2cc Deca

Week 2 (Current Week) Same as Above

Im going to continue that for the next 3 Weeks before I jump up to 2cc a week for the remaining 5 Weeks. Am I doing this right. So far all I got is muscle memory kicking in but the recovery is really good so far. I feel great so far.

I'm a NEWB here so any pointers would be really helpful. Then again this is why I registered here, to gain knowledge from the more experienced.

Thanks Everyone and Please Don't Bash On Me Too Hard.....Thanks Again
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No, your not doing it right at all. Go read the ology faq"s sticky. Tapering doses is a waist with long esters. Do you have an ai, dopamine antagonist, hcg, pct???
No, your not doing it right at all. Go read the ology faq"s sticky. Tapering doses is a waist with long esters. Do you have an ai, dopamine antagonist, hcg, pct???

Yeah I do have PCT, but I'm not worried about that till later. I have everything I need for PCT.

However how am I doing it wrong if I'm only on my second week doing a half cc of each to let my body get used to the supplement? It's better to correct it now in the beginning stages rather than later. Please explain the wrong part to me.

"Now I'm confused, my friends at the gym are way experienced with this than I am and I see major results and gains from the same cycle they recommended. Keep in mind I'm not here to become a Bodybuilder but I do want to get huge and shred during the PCT"

BTW, I dont know what this link has and to do anything with what I asked. It's very vague and talks about bloodwork in the UK????? Not evry helpful, please be specific.
so you didn't see anything in there about how your first cycle should be test.. and about what dosages you should be running your cycles at??

who gave you those dosages that you put up there??
so you didn't see anything in there about how your first cycle should be test.. and about what dosages you should be running your cycles at??

who gave you those dosages that you put up there??

No I didn't, and by reading a bunch of other forums on other steroid sites including the person that gave me the gear recommended since my body is not used to it and being the first time go on the low doses for the time being and by the 5th week I'll be ready to take a full cc of each. For the most part when people tell me these things in general, I don't believe until I see results with my own eyes. Every one of the guys in the gym I talked to about it (My friend circle) all had amazing and fast results in less than 5 weeks into the cycle and all off the same gear. I know out of 4 of them, 2 of them have been using this cycle since we were in high school. "Seeing Is Believing"
I don't believe in what I always read. I'm the type that has to see it with my own eyes in order to believe it.

I waited over 2 years to try this Test E and Deca cycle after a long term observations of everyone I know who has lots of experience with this specific cycle. I read on the forums so much about how you should only do Test on the first cycle, but this IS NOT MY FIRST CYCLE!!!!!! THIS IS JUST THE FIRST CYCLE OF TEST AND DECA I'M DOING. If the gear my friends are using have major results than I'm definitely going to try the one that I see that seems to work well with everyone who is on it.

Everybody's body is different and reacts to gear differently, what may work for you may not work for someone else. So who gives who the right to say what is wrong and right when on the gear and how to use the gear. So for the record when someone is asking how they should do it, Instead of telling them off the back "You're doing it all wrong andcheck another link in here to see". If you're educated that much on your claims of doing it all wrong then back it up in your own words telling me what you have read instead of making me go on a efffffing goose hunt for "First Time Cycle" special way to dose yourself type crap??????
Your post is ridiculous. First off test and deca are long esters. Test e takes 4-6 weeks to kick in and deca is about 6+ weeks. So what kind of crazy gains are you talking about by week 5? Second, why start off with such a low dose when it takes so long to kick in? Pointless.. It just doesn't work like that. Third, high school? What good advice could you get from people using in high school? Seriously, read the link. Only thing you'll be seeing is gains disappearing after cycle and shriveled nuts with a limp noodle. Might even get acne and bitch tits too...
Well if you can't handle doing research or reading a link that was provided, that just seems a lil immature. Spoon feeding doesn't go well around here...
Yeah something like this would have been more helpful for a Beginner Beginner........

Why Should the First Cycle be Just Testosterone?

We always recommend that a first cycle consist of just testosterone plus ancillaries (hCG, AI) and then followed by PCT. You need to learn how your body responds to Test. Once you have that experience you can add another compound when you run your next cycle. This allows you to isolate variables which will help you deal with side effect issues that arise. And trust me - running a cycle of just test will have you feeling amazing.

I would also like to encourage you to enjoy the experience. Savor testosterone during your first cycle. The amazing anabolic and androgenic effects it has. Then enjoy learning how a new compound makes you feel and seeing how your body responds to it on your second cycle. You are going to have a long beautiful relationship with AAS. Don't rush it.

Here are good links for learning more about putting together your first cycle.

My First Cycle: Planning and Executing a Successful First Cycle

Cycling for beginners :-A guide to safe androgen use
Your post is ridiculous. First off test and deca are long esters. Test e takes 4-6 weeks to kick in and deca is about 6+ weeks. So what kind of crazy gains are you talking about by week 5? Second, why start off with such a low dose when it takes so long to kick in? Pointless.. It just doesn't work like that. Third, high school? What good advice could you get from people using in high school? Seriously, read the link. Only thing you'll be seeing is gains disappearing after cycle and shriveled nuts with a limp noodle. Might even get acne and bitch tits too...

For your information you dumb queer, Im 32 not in high school and the guys I lift with in the gym are veterans and been around this stuff obviously longer than you so talk about immature comments.....what an idiot and if you read correctly the low doses are so my body get's used to it. This low dose has been effective for the past 20 years you moron. so do your research correctly before bitching on someone elses thread. Get off the couch you fat lazy potatoe who stays on forums all day long to critic peoples cycles. Total Moron

Everybody's body reacts differently. My gains won't disappear if I follow the system these guys in the gym are doing. As far as all the other kiddy crap at the end of your post, I have everything to counter that. Pay attention you internet bodybuilder cant' hack it in the gym so you work out your fingers typing stupid comments all day.

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Ha! I'm not the one being ignorant kiddo... Posted a helpful link and you didn't take advantage of it. Why did you even post if you don't like the responses?
For your information you dumb queer, Im 32 not in high school and the guys I lift with in the gym are veterans and been around this stuff obviously longer than you so talk about immature comments.....what an idiot and if you read correctly the low doses are so my body get's used to it. This low dose has been effective for the past 20 years you moron. so do your research correctly before bitching on someone elses thread. Get off the couch you fat lazy potatoe who stays on forums all day long to critic peoples cycles. Total Moron

Are you sure your 32? Early teenagers talk like that...
You are so wrong on many levels bud! Starting a cycle with long esters and at a low dose does nothing as far as your body getting used to it. It's a long ester. It will absorb slowly. Like 4-6 weeks. As far as what people were doing with gear 20 years ago as opposed to now, a lot has changed. Especially tapering dosages. But hey, you posted the questions and seem to know everything. This isn't my first rodeo and hasn't been for over 15+ years. Good luck with your cycle. Come back afterwards with any questions you probably will have :)
Your post is ridiculous. First off test and deca are long esters. Test e takes 4-6 weeks to kick in and deca is about 6+ weeks. So what kind of crazy gains are you talking about by week 5? Second, why start off with such a low dose when it takes so long to kick in? Pointless.. It just doesn't work like that. Third, high school? What good advice could you get from people using in high school? Seriously, read the link. Only thing you'll be seeing is gains disappearing after cycle and shriveled nuts with a limp noodle. Might even get acne and bitch tits too...

I think you really are ridiculous and because you read so much about how it takes 4-6 weeks to kick in. Ummmmm ding ding ding ding "EVERYBODY'S BODY REACTS DIFFERENTLY" I seen great results in less than 5 weeks. It's all about the training regiment.

You are so wrong on many levels bud! Starting a cycle with long esters and at a low dose does nothing as far as your body getting used to it. It's a long ester. It will absorb slowly. Like 4-6 weeks. As far as what people were doing with gear 20 years ago as opposed to now, a lot has changed. Especially tapering dosages. But hey, you posted the questions and seem to know everything. This isn't my first rodeo and hasn't been for over 15+ years. Good luck with your cycle. Come back afterwards with any questions you probably will have :)

Bro just stay off my thread and don't ever talk trash to me on here again. Forums is to help people not bash them and so in return you get bashed back. I ain't here for that. I'm here for knowledge and so far you seem to lack that so in all reality there is nothing you can do for me little kid. Good Luck in your life and you should read threads thoroughly before bashing them. Low doses 20 years ago wont make a difference at the present moment, the only thing that changed were the people don't lift how they used to because of all kinds of injuries and the gear nowadays has more additives in them then the past gear had. Any bodybuilder, real bodybuilder will tell you the same thing.
