My 4th Cycle : Test E + Deca - Advice Needed!


New member
Hello all,

This is going to be my 4th cycle. Previously I did cycles with only Test E two times and a cutting cycle with Test Prop and Mast Prop. All of my cycles were good. I felt great and gained a lot.

At first, I just want to underline that my main purpose is to make a clean bulk. I don***8217;t want to bloat too much. My face gets round quickly and I don***8217;t want this to happen. To be honest, I prefer gaining less muscle mass rather than gaining more mass with water bloat. So please bear that in mind when you comment on the topic.


My stats :

Age : 30
Height : 195cm (6***8217;4)
Weight : 101kg (222 lbs)
BF : Around %12-13


Here is the plan :

Everything is pharma grade. Dosages may varry according to your comments.

Week 1-12 : Test E - 500mgs/Week - Pin Mon & Thu
Week 1-10 : Deca - 400mg/Week - Pin Mon & Thu

Week 1-12 : Caber 0,5 E3D
Week 1-14 : Adex 0,5 ED
Week 1-14 : HCG 250ui E3D ***8211; Pin Mon & Thu

PCT (5 weeks) :
Clomid : 100/50/50/50/50
Nolva : 40/20/20/20/20


Diet :

I will start the diet with following macros : 250gr protein, 250gr carbs, 100gr fat.

Then I will dial the macros according to my progress during the cycle. I have never had any problem about eating or gaining weight until now. So, diet will not be a problem I think.


My question is, how should I proceed to make a good, clean bulk? I thought about keeping the test at 250mg for managing sides. Especially to prevent e2 upragulation and any prolactin issues related to deca. But, I can increase it to 500mgs if deca-dick can be an issue. Or, if vets on the forum will say that it is impossible to maintain a clean bulk (no bloat) with deca, then I can drop it. No problem.

Just drop you comments. I will really appreciate them.
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well...that isn't really a cycle.

That's barely using any more gear than your average TRT patient uses.

There's a handful (or more) TRT people here that have their regular dose at
- 250mg test EW
- 200-250mg deca EW

So really, you're only increasing the deca slightly for not much results
@Onk thanks for the reply.

I'm planning to use 500mgs of Test E and 400mgs of Deca every week. Is this too low?

I'm not into using more than 400mgs of Deca in this cycle because I've never touched a 19-nor roid before. I need to see how my body reacts to it.

What do you suggest me to do?
Ten weeks of deca is too short of a time. 14-16 weeks would be better. Run test two weeks longer...
400mg is a little low on tge deca I would bump up to 600mg.
You don't need to take caber but must have on hand incase of prolactin issues if you keep e2 in check shouldn't need it. Deca does aromatize so I think your adex dosage should keep your e2 in check at those dosages. Depending on if you aromatize more than the average person like I do. If not .5 adex ED may be to much so bloodwork is key to dial in your e2
400mg is a little low on tge deca I would bump up to 600mg.
You don't need to take caber but must have on hand incase of prolactin issues if you keep e2 in check shouldn't need it. Deca does aromatize so I think your adex dosage should keep your e2 in check at those dosages. Depending on if you aromatize more than the average person like I do. If not .5 adex ED may be to much so bloodwork is key to dial in your e2

I think 500 / 500 should be fine.

My second cycle was
weeks 1-15
test e 500mg

weeks 1-14
deca 500mg

adex EoD @ 0.25mg

had prami on hand

PCT three weeks after last test injection