my average protein intake for the day consists of( im 190 pounds at the moment and im of cycle at the mo its usually about 200 pounds im 26 yrs ive been training two yrs seriously) 10am a nurishment can from a store prob not very good biological protein but it has 21g protein. Then at 1 pm two chicken breast fillets or two turkey breast steaks. Then at 3pm a tin of tuna 30g then at 6pm it all depends on what my missus has mad for tea it could be somthing like burger and chips ,sousage and mash potato ,spagettie bolagnase or maybe chicken and rice ,jacket potato tuna beans (cheese) it really could be one of a thousand things we have a 7 year old lil boy so we have to cater for him and im at work so i cant make my own if its got bad nutrishional value (bad spelling ithink) ill have a mass builder shake with high carbs and about 40g protein then its to the gym when i get back ill have a shake with two raw eggs in about 30 g protien at about 8pm. at 9pm ill have a chicken breast 30-40g or a tin of tuna 30g at 10:30pm i try to get another source of protein in befor bed maybe tuna or whey protein shake (i no it should be casein) on training days i try to get some carbs in.I have a weakness chocalate ,sugary sweets,sweet coffee biscuits an so on ive worked it out at around 200g per day can thatbe affective