my Beginner Cycle, Thoughts?


New member
wanting to start my cycle SOON, would like your thoughts on what i have so far.

On Cycle/wks
1-4 deiselbolan 2.0 1 cap 3 times a day
1-4 forged liver support 2 caps ed
1-4 hcgenerate 5 caps ed spread out.

Off Cycle/wks
4-8 unleashed/post cycle/FORMA-
STANOZOLOL ed as directed on the labels

been asking if my post cycle therapy (pct) is enough. so far this seems to be it.
my stats are
6'1" 280lbs 18%Bf<---don't care about BF right now.

thanks, guys..
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You will get mixed responses but lots of info here. You might want to post stats, age, experience, etc. before they ask.

I am also starting my first cycle Feb 1st. You can check out my thread, "44 yo first cycle Beastdrol" to see the advise I was given. I got lots of great feedback. Totally different gear though so your post cycle therapy (pct) might be as well.

Read, research, read and then read some more! Best of luck!
wanting to start my cycle SOON, would like your thoughts on what i have so far.

On Cycle/wks
1-4 deiselbolan 2.0 1 cap 3 times a day
1-4 forged liver support 2 caps ed
1-4 hcgenerate 5 caps ed spread out.

Off Cycle/wks
4-8 unleashed/post cycle/FORMA-
STANOZOLOL ed as directed on the labels

been asking if my post cycle therapy (pct) is enough. so far this seems to be it.
my stats are
6'1" 280lbs 18%Bf<---don't care about BF right now.

thanks, guys..

I'd cut to at least 250lbs naturally before considering a cycle. and for post cycle therapy (pct) add in nolvadex at 40 40 20 20
U might wanna get some real steroids first.
Try: Testosterone @ 500 mg/week

Seriously doubt you're 18% body fat @ 280 pounds @ 6'1"...

Actually...forget any cycle. cut down to 190 pounds...U might be 18% then...
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