My buddies next cycle holy shit.......what ya think????


New member
So his last cycle was 16weeks at

500mg test e for 16 weeks
prop 75mg eod for 14wk
tren 75mg eod wk 12-16
npp 75 eod for 14 wk

then pct kicked in towards the end. He gained 35lbs on this cycle and has been 10weeks out and is going back on this crazy ass cycle. So far is down 14lbs from that cycle and dropped about 50lbs in bench 80 in squats and overall size. Still reasonably lean with 14%

Next is a 18 wk cycle at

500e wk
500 eq wk
prop 75mg eod for 14 wk

then Npp 75mg edo
mast 75mg eod
3 week run time

switch to prop 75mg eod
primo 75mg eod
3wk on

switch to mast 75mg eod
prop 75mg eod
3wk on

switch to mast 75mg eod
npp 75mg eod

He will run tren ace somewhere in the cycle as well.

How fucking crazy is this cycle? He plans to gain around 30-40#
I don't get the idea of switching your gear up constantly throughout the cycle. It really seems like overcomplicating the cycle when there's no need for it. If your buddy lost about almost half of his gains within 10 weeks of his cycle either his calories weren't right, or he was retaining way too much water during his cycle, which may mean his 32 was too high. I don't see HCG in the cycle, or an AI. What's his PCT plan?
That cycle isn't crazy, it's shitty. Taking long esters just long enough for them to kick in, then come off them? Be honest, you made this up just to troll, didn't you. I mean primo and masteron for 3 weeks? Tren "thrown in" there?
He wants to use the Piana cycle of 3 weeks on and switch compounds. So he will try that for the last 3 months and go from there.

Ai is on deck and this is what he wants to do!
Although Piana has a lot of good advice. I know the theory you speak of and it doesnt make sense at least to me anyways. And it CERTAINLY doesnt make sense if there are ANY long esters involved.
This has been happening for a few months now - people are convinced that rich piana is an expert because he has a youtube channel and large arms :)

Rich Piana expresses his experiences in an honest manner, for which I do respect him.
However, you guys need to realise that he is a million miles away from being a "guru" on steroids - he's just another user, that's it.
This has been happening for a few months now - people are convinced that rich piana is an expert because he has a youtube channel and large arms :)

Rich Piana expresses his experiences in an honest manner, for which I do respect him.
However, you guys need to realise that he is a million miles away from being a "guru" on steroids - he's just another user, that's it.

He's a walking science experiment. I also respect his honesty but I don't like when people take what he says as "advice". He's not preaching his methods, he's just telling stories.
None of the doses are crazy, the cycle just looks stupid because it randomly swaps compounds in and out before they have a chance to really take effect

Good luck to your "buddy" but I suspect he'd be better served with a 750test/600npp or deca for 12-16 week cycle.
This has been happening for a few months now - people are convinced that rich piana is an expert because he has a youtube channel and large arms :)

Rich Piana expresses his experiences in an honest manner, for which I do respect him.
However, you guys need to realize that he is a million miles away from being a "guru" on steroids - he's just another user, that's it.

Agreed. Nice guy (met him once) and value his opinion for what it is however, just because he has large arms (or size in general) doesn't mean shit and make him a Guru on the subject. There are a ton of factors not accounted for (diet, genetics, etc). Lots of people who don't know dick about AAS will associate size with being a Guru and when that "Guru" speaks (right or wrong) its gold to inexperienced ears.
know why he's doing the 3 week thing. He's been watching rich piana videos. That 3 week switch up shit is a waste of gear. Stick to one or two compounds aside from test throughout the whole cycle and don't get your gear education from rich piana
i never understood why people need to take more than 2 compounds. yeah steroids are great but think about your fucking health too. todays era pros wont make it past 60, and if they do they will have some serious health issues if they dont already

all that money he can get some GH. what ever happened to test tren with some gh? or test and npp with gh. jesus fuck
i never understood why people need to take more than 2 compounds. yeah steroids are great but think about your fucking health too. todays era pros wont make it past 60, and if they do they will have some serious health issues if they dont already

all that money he can get some GH. what ever happened to test tren with some gh? or test and npp with gh. jesus fuck

Speaking of GH is there any real GH around? NOT jap crap!!! Real shit that works/legit/potent made for medicinal purposes that I can get my hands on? I would to take that for myself especially at my age!
Speaking of GH is there any real GH around? NOT jap crap!!! Real shit that works/legit/potent made for medicinal purposes that I can get my hands on? I would to take that for myself especially at my age!
yeah if you look hard enough you'll find some pharma grade gh. but it wont be cheap. if you are old enough you can go to an HRT doctor and they might even prescribe it to you
Ehhh.....why build up long acting esters in the blood just to dump them a few weeks in. Tell your friend please don't do this. Not trying to be rude but i think the concept of swapping substances is silly. Waiting till it kicks in then dropping it.