My Bulking Cycle : Test C, Deca, Boldanone, Dbol, Anavar


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this community is useless
please admin delete my account and thank you for that! :beertoast
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You seem to have pct mixed up. U got some things in there that don't belong in a pct. Post Cycle Therapy. Read up on the beginner cycle stickys and steroid profiles. Deca and eq aren't really ran for 12 weeks. Read up on things before starting your cycle.
my bad what i meant to say: 4 weeks on Nolvadex, this will start after 13 day of the last Test-C pin

You seem to have pct mixed up. U got some things in there that don't belong in a pct. Post Cycle Therapy. Read up on the beginner cycle stickys and steroid profiles. Deca and eq aren't really ran for 12 weeks. Read up on things before starting your cycle.