My conversion

I tried a syringe filter for about 2 seconds before I got frustrated and pulled out a bottle top filter. But still, I need to learn how to use the syringe filters for future use.

How long did the filtering itself take?

I always refrigerate test E or nandrolone deca and then put it in the freezer for a little while now, rather than putting up with 'goo'.

I did find that the test E I get clogged my bottle top filter quickly. Or at least that's what I think happened. I couldn't get 500mL though it.
The last time I used a .45 Whatman PVDF with a 20ml syringe I filtered 375ml in the same time frame by hand. I bought a couple millipore .22, first one leaked right off the bat, second one clogged after 60ml.
Perfection Awaits said:
All my other syringe filters are whatman. Which is good. The filtering itself took about 2.5 forearms hit hypertrophy. the oil goes through much quicker when warm...but it only stays warm for so long.

Yea warm is way easier by far. After every 10-15ml or so that I drew to filter I just popped the beaker in the microwave for 30 secs to warm it back up again before drawing more up, worked good.

And why only 40ml, why not 50ml? Did you think you were being posh only brewing 40ml instead of the commonly practiced 50ml?!?!? :druggie:
Perfection Awaits said:
Today i made 40ml of test e at 250mg/ml. Getting the test out of the bag and into the beaker was a bitch. Filtering was hell. I used a .45 Millipore filter...i used 2 20ml syringes, and the calk gun method. Took 3 hours exactly.

3 hours?? 40 ml through a 45 i would say 20/30 min?
Perfection Awaits said:
well i didnt know how hard to was a millipore...idk why it was so hard.
I thought you used a chalk gun. Didn't you apply a few clicks of pressure and then let it do its thing?
Yeah, having to hold the chalk gun is a bitch. But it sounds like yours didn't maintain the tension by itself....which I think mine did. I'll have to verify.

pullinbig mentioned that it might be possible to use a plastic tube or something do that you don't have to hold it up. I have no idea where to get that plastic tube. But they do make plastic tubes with Luer-Lock tips according to my wife.
all caulk guns do by default, the trick is finding one with a smooth rod (not a notched one). Funny thing is the cheaper ones usually have smooth rods.

It should have taken you about 5 minutes to filter. Something went wrong. When I filter, the oil is pretty fucking hot, id say too hot to touch but not scalding.

Live and learn to hate hand filtering. Next step, buy in bulk and filter in bulk, enter bottle top filtration.
Perfection Awaits said:
Well....hopefully there isnt 10g of test in my old filter....and hopefully the solution is sterile....dam im tried of worrying
If you ripped a hole in the filter, then it would have been really damn easy to push the oil through. And there just isn't enough room in those little filters to collect anything near 10g of test.

I seem to have a problem with the testosterone from my supplier clogging my bottle top filters. I'm thinking that the product is less than 100% pure, but the fact that the filter clogged so easy hopefully indicates that the bottle top filter blocked most of that shit from passing through.
Perfection Awaits said:
Hmmm...well i added my 10g of test to the Beaker

I then put the beaker on the stove top, turned it to level 5 of 10

the test got milky, i added 2ml (5%) BA

The test was almost all the way dissolved, i added all the oil

Stirred it around for 3 minutes or so, until it was uniform.

Drew out all 40ml into 2 20ml syringes

Filtered 20ml at a time...oil was room temp after the first 5ml.

Any idea what i did wrong?
I'm concerned about the milky thing.

Also, how long do you think it was on the stove for in total after the burner had warmed up?
hmmm...maybe that is about right. I've never done a batch that small before, but my larger batches probably don't take much longer than that.

But I didn't get the milky thing as far as I can recall. Did your stuff stay milky or did it clear up? If it cleared up, then when did it clear up.
you say it was at room temp? i keep it at a low heat and filter in lots of 20ml, temp of the oil is usually quite hot?