My Cutting Cycle....just getting prepped for summer


New member
Test E- 500mg/cc (21mL) 0.50cc Mon/ 0.50ccThur

Tren E- 300mg/cc (21mL) 0.75cc Mon/0.75ccThur

Winny- 50mg (60tabs) 50mg ED split (25mg Am +25mg PM)

Aromasin- 25mg/cc (30mL) 6.25mg ED throughout cycle (1/4cc orally)

Pramipexole- 2mg (30mL) see attached (Not Going to Take It)

Adding to Cycle:
T-3 (50mcg day one, then gradually bump it to 125mcg max for rest of cycle) (Small Ones)
Clen (2 week on/off Start at 20mcg and add 20mcg a day until I hit 140mcg max) (Larger ones)

PCT (2 weeks after last dose)
Clomid- 50mg (60mL) --- 50/50/50/50
Nolva- 20mg (60mL) --- 40/40/20/20

What do ya'll think? Any feedback? Maybe do something a little different? Add something lose something? Thanks in advance!

EDIT: I forgot to say that Im front loading for 2 or 2.5 weeks with 50mg/day (Tren Ace) and 50mg/day (Test Prop)
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5'11" / 205lbs / 15% bf / I've done multiple cycles. 1st was in 2005 (Bulking Cycle), was a Bread-n-Butter cycle. 2nd was in 2008 (Cutting Cycle), fairly close to this one but quite a bit higher dosage. 3rd was in 2011 (Cutting Cycle again), just did test, tren, and winny w/ Arimidex. 4th was in 2012-2013 (Was a cutting cycle with a Deca and D-Bol front load), I had to quit this cycle mid way through because of shoulder and back issues. I stopped working out for a little while, but have been back eating healthy and working out (doing more core strength training) for about 3 months. Haven't been doing much cardio because of my back tho which is why my weight is not where I want it to be. I now have a Chiropractor that Im gonna start seeing next week (which is also a kinesiologist) for my back. Anyway, Im trying to "somewhat" retain some muscle, but my main goal is to trim down to around 10-12%. Im not putting down my whole diet cuz that takes too long but I definitely know how to eat correctly.
Not going to comment on your cycle, but what you described is not frontloading. Frontloading is used to achieve and maintain stable blood levels of compounds as quick as possible by injecting enough of the compounds on day 1.
Well I must have my wording wrong. I just using the ace and prop for a "kickstarter" until both of my Test and Tren E kick in. Whats the word for that?