my cycle and few questions about it!need help!


New member
hi new member here.i'm in the middle of my cycle.this is what I'm taking.

500mg tren acetate a week ED
500mg test prop/week ED
500mg masteron ethanate/week 2/week
50mg proviron/day ED
125iu hcg/day ED

...i'm in my 6th week and been getting some great results.just added 50mg os winstrol/oil and 40mg anavar oral a day for the rest of my cycle of 10 weeks then i was planning on running just anavar winstol with my my issue.i got me some puffy nipples.idk if that is the too much tren ?i have done tren before with pretty much the same cycle but had no everything i do i went up on the dosage...i read about the gyno issues with tren and taking vitex B6 arimidex...all kinds of oppinions.point is I kinda got a little scared so I think i'm stoping the i will get the vitex b6 arimidex and all but can i use them while taking everything else but the tren.will that make more issues...or should i even stop the tren maybe the HCG or lower the test some or....i need some help here.what i'd really like to do if possible is keep running my test with winny/navar/masteron/hcg/proviron i use hcg while on cycle because it helps me get back in track when i'm done.i'm sre theres way more advanced people here so help a brother out.what to take what not to tak what am i doing wrong and how to fix it to get the best out of what i'm working with.thanks