My cycle needs critiques.


New member
Been working out for a couple years.
Started at 140lbs now im 158.

Looking to start a new cycle.
Clomid/nolvadex/arimidex are currently in mail.
I have lots of test prop and thinking of what else... This is my current thought.

weeks 1-8 Sustanon (sust) or test e/c
1-2 test prop
6 days after last long ester ill start prop to bridge

Now with all this in mind, i have a few concerns as i am not clear with no matter my research on the interweb.
Is Sustanon (sust) a good choice or should i sub Sustanon (sust) with ent or cyp?

And how much arimidex should i take during and PCT? and when should i start PCT giving what i got? thanks-

Also where are good sites to buy 5 alpha inhibitors such as avodart or finastride
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5'8. No matter what i do i cant gain weight. Ive tried pro diets/routines etc for a year straight gained nothing.
Just keep it simple brother. I would run test c leave the prop for the end n another thing is 8 weeks is a short as cycle I would run it for at least 12 week..but first off all u need to get your diet in check all the juice in the would will do nothing if u don't diet right..peace
To reach 190 @ low %bf from 158 you would have to train naturally and consistently for 3-5 years depending on weather you have good genetics or not but most can't go over 175-180 naturally.

Just do

Test 1-10/12 @ 500/week
Deca 1-10 @300/week (optional)
dbol 1-4 or 5 weeks @40-50ed
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