My Cycle to Nationals this year


1500mgs prop ED pin
500mgs sust
700mg tren
700mgs mast
*might throw in TRT gel hear and there

This goes on really until the end of the year with 1 show before nationals do some tapping off and on will go on right before first prep.
Why so much test ? At a certain level aren't you getting diminishing returns while adding negative sides including cardiovascular negatives,, like enlarged heart and bad cholesterol . Add kidney stress to that as well

If you could get the same effect out of 700 mg a week of test , I'd do that and then possibly throw in another compound. 2 grams of test just sounds like a lot to run for that long
After so long bro you have to go up. You have to know your body and how it reacts. Again, not for many and not for the person who just wants to look good and lean out or just be big. My goals have always been different from the start 6 years ago.

If I did 500 1000mg of test I would actually
Start to get unwanted sides. Wasn't always like that but is now.

Again, I'm on TRT and that was a decision I had I make a while ago while pursing my hobby.
Makes sense -- I'm on trt as well. Good thing about it is I can blast any compound I choose without having to worry about how much test to run as my base or pct. Just pick what you want and blast away.

I'm currently running test, NPP, deca, Dbol, proviron, and then adding in primo and masteron at week 9, and finishing off the tail end of cycle with tbol.. When I'm done with that it's just right back to cruising on trt .. Will cruise on test for awhile then cruise on test with some tren and masteron for awhile before I do another big blast. Trt makes thing simple and gains are always kept if training and diet are spot on
Do you have a coach? No hgh No diuretics before show? All those guys are on hgh if there not they dont win
Yes to everything above. I don't get into insulin or diaretics in the board however to dangerous . I don't want some young kid getting wrong ideas.

However, nope to HGH, at least not yet haven't felt the need. Plus I'm muddle to light heavy so not quite big enough. Lean wins my category mostly.
How do you find out what kind of untested shows they got for say a guy whos is 40? Im 36 now but i just want to be able to die and say i got in good enough condition to step on a amateur stage lol
Lol.. I'm turning 34 buddy. We are the perfect age to keep big gains bc
Metabolism is slowing down.

NPC shows are prolly
Your best bet. Should be in most states. All shows will tell
You in the rules if they are tested or not. And most
Tested shows begin with titles as all natural or so
Lol.. I'm turning 34 buddy. We are the perfect age to keep big gains bc
Metabolism is slowing down.

NPC shows are prolly
Your best bet. Should be in most states. All shows will tell
You in the rules if they are tested or not. And most
Tested shows begin with titles as all natural or so

Man i been to all "natural" shows and these guys are on more gear than me i would just feel like a scumbag to place higher than a real natural and there easy to spot. There were a few guys in there 50's fucken huge but age was showing gyno was showing and these were "tested shows" i do wanna set a goal for myself just to be able to say i did it :)
If you can throw in some quality GH, it will make the cycle MUCH better and you wont need as much test and chances for aromatisation will be WAY less. GH makes everything much more perfect so well worth the use and money, even as low as few IU (but make sure its quality)
If you can throw in some quality GH, it will make the cycle MUCH better and you wont need as much test and chances for aromatisation will be WAY less. GH makes everything much more perfect so well worth the use and money, even as low as few IU (but make sure its quality)

Yeah I just got
The phone with my coach and we are going
To throw in some HGH. Prolly
6 iu's a day and go from there. Excited about it
Yeah I just got
The phone with my coach and we are going
To throw in some HGH. Prolly
6 iu's a day and go from there. Excited about it

yep good timing, very good. BUT build it up to those 6IU, otherwise it can fuc you up. i would say 1IU every 7-10days and then go from there.

split dosages at 2IU per inject, so am, mid day and evening in your case of 6IU
might not be for the board but

no halo/winny/var at the end?
no t3/clen/dnp?

Nah, don't need it- I get very lean. Dieretics is about it 3/4 days out. If I was behind in my conditioning I would def add it though
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yeah fairly lean I guess, though I like to go in a bit leaner than that. I say that based on you looking around 5-6% bf