My cycle!!!!!!!!


New member
I am using all uni-vet products for this cycle, if there is any advice on this I would love to hear it!!

1 cc of Deca 300 a week for 10 weeks
1 cc of Test E 250 a week for 10 weeks
40 mg of uni oxavar 10 daily for 50 days

Whats your PCT?

Should be 2cc (ml) of test e 250 per week, example 1ml (cc) on sunday 1ml on thursday.

1st cycle??? If so drop the deca and Anavar (var) and stick with test e @ 500 mg per week. You need pct too. Have an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) on hand incase your estro gets too high. If you don't know what to get you need to do more research.
I am using all uni-vet products for this cycle, if there is any advice on this I would love to hear it!!

1 cc of Deca 300 a week for 10 weeks
1 cc of Test E 250 a week for 10 weeks
40 mg of uni oxavar 10 daily for 50 days

you did not do your home work! id say hold off on the cycle do way more research!

what is your age and weight?
Hi guys,
ive just started a cycle of test 300 and parabolan QV 80 and would like to knw how many times a week would I take 1 ml of each. Ive been told to take it every 3 days. Is this true.
Hi guys,
ive just started a cycle of test 300 and parabolan QV 80 and would like to knw how many times a week would I take 1 ml of each. Ive been told to take it every 3 days. Is this true.
Hi guys,
ive just started a cycle of test 300 and parabolan QV 80 and would like to knw how many times a week would I take 1 ml of each. Ive been told to take it every 3 days. Is this true.

Not to bust your balls but I'm sure you will get more replies and help if you start your own thread instead of asking this in another guys.

I am using all uni-vet products for this cycle, if there is any advice on this I would love to hear it!!

1 cc of Deca 300 a week for 10 weeks
1 cc of Test E 250 a week for 10 weeks
40 mg of uni oxavar 10 daily for 50 days
Is this a first cycle for you? what are you stats?'
I need my test considerably higher than my deca if I want my tool working properly.
I am 6'1 225 around 10-12% BF

The post cycle therapy (pct) would be clomid and some ZMA

This is my second cycle first was winny

How much higher would the test have to be and would the Anavar (var) help out the deca dick problem?
I have changed my dosage some.

I inject every Monday and Thursday, Monday is 250mg of test e and Thursday is 300mg of deca and 150mg of test e. I start taking the oxavar on the 23rd of this month, 40 mg a day 2 pills in the morning a pill at 7-8 pm and a pill before bed.

Week 1- worked out hard 5 days and 2 days off, injected Monday and Thursday, no sides good or bad.

Week 2- injected Monday and Thursday, caught a cold for a couple days, worked out 4 days, no sides good or bad.