My diet...advice & tips???


New member
hiya...ive been trainin a good few years on & off but my diet has always been poor! .. recently came up with a plan and just wondered on your opinions??

Due to my work i go gym at half 5am..

4:45am (Pre-workout).. Porridge with water & scoop of whey protien..1bannana

6:45am (post-workout) .. PHD shake,apple..

8:00am ..5egg whites,1 full egg,glass of pure oj,2slices of brown bread

10:30 ..2 steaks, can of peas,potatos, glass of milk

1pm ..brown pasta,chicken breasts,bannana

3pm.. whey protien shake..handfull of nuts, apple and glas of pure oj

6:30pm.. 2 cans of tuna,2slices of brown bread

8:30pm..whey protien drink..table spoon of peanut butter.

Is this diet any good as im trying to bulk up much as poss?
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My height is 5'10, and i weigh 13st 2lbs ..

the phd shake is a mass and strength gain.. contains in each drink;

36grams of protien,
21grams of carbs,
and 3.3grams of fat
you can switch the water in oats for milk since you're bulking

apple is not the best source of carbs pwo imo.

make sure you have whole grain bread and not colored white bread

missing omega 3's?
yea i agree an apple isnt gd for carbs,only have it as im rushin to get ready for work..

sorry what are omega 3's?
omega 3's are a group of essential fatty acids that have many health benefits

it's good to have a balance of omega 3's, omega 6's and omega 9's
omega 3 foods

flaxseed oil / flaxseeds
hempseed oil / hemp seed
pumpkin seeds

omega 6 foods

chestnut oil
hempseed oil / hempseeds
olive oil / olives
pistachio nuts
pumpkin seeds
sunflower seeds

omega 9 foods

canola oil
macadamia nuts
pistachio nuts
sesame oil
thanks for the lists .. i'l add some into my diet and make sure i get enough of each..

cheers for the advice 'theking' .. im off out later to buy loads of brocolli :)
..also to make it much easier, combine some of the those meals/snacks. Really no need to eat 8 times a day. 4-5 times is plenty.
..also to make it much easier, combine some of the those meals/snacks. Really no need to eat 8 times a day. 4-5 times is plenty.

Thats not always true.

As long as his food is clean, and he is not snacking on junk, then 8 meals is great while trying to gain weight.
i agree with jayc. there is no point in eating more than 5 times for most people. most people can gain gain on 5000 kcal and 1000kcal *5 is not that difficult to manage portionwise.

the only real point of eating more times is that you cant handle eating the big portions.

but i agree with you on the bread vs rice. bread does not agree with me at all. I belive i posted a study here like a year ago that showed that you don't get the same amount of fuel for 50 g of carbs from bread as for 50 g carbs from rice.
only ever use bread when im having tuna sandwich but yeah i'll replace that with rice and veg .. thx for the advice

also whats the best meal to have just before bed?? as in 30mins or so before?
only ever use bread when im having tuna sandwich but yeah i'll replace that with rice and veg .. thx for the advice

also whats the best meal to have just before bed?? as in 30mins or so before?

A Casein based protein shake always goes down well for me at this time.