my diet today, critiques welcome


New member

yesterday looked similar, except more fat due to an avocado i split up throughout the day...

im also lifting 4 days a week, and cardio for 35 mins a week (keeping heart rate at 125-130)

tryin to lean out. currently 6'2, 220.
Let me know what you think!
That is a SOLID diet for leaning out, allowed you're eating it spread out over 6 meals.


what program is that?
ur running a 40/40/20 for a cutter... its not a bad set up at all.. the food choices are good.. but i would need to know when ur eating what to tell u if ur using ur foods optimally..

also,whats your bf??
well the thing is im not 'running' anything really specific, just kinda guessing, from what ive read on here and have experience with... been drinking 1 gallon of water per day as well.... going on 4 weeks of this type of thing now and feel myself leaning out in my legs and upper body.... top couple abs are coming in nicely although my lower stomach still feels bloated pretty often... probably due to the amount of food and water i eat/drink, and the fat from lower abs and love handles is going nowhere :P

meal breakdown for this day is like this:

meal 1 - 730am

2 - 10am

3 - 12pm
1/2 chicken breast
1c broccoli
1/2c cubed yams

4 - 3pm
1/2 chicken breast
1c broccoli
1/2c yam

pre w/o - 415pm

w/o - 445pm
1 hr lift - chest/back superset 3xexercises, 3x15, tri/bi 1 exercise 3x15. (i do arms again on friday, just figure they are already decently worked from chest and back)
20 mins stationary bike, level 12-14, 125-130HR
10 mins treadmil, 8.5%incline, 3.2mph

post w/o - 7pm
2 scoops protein
12oz water (recently switched to water from skim milk)
2 raw eggs

5 - 830pm
2 slices home made rye bread dipped in hummus every bite..

... 9 or 930pm
protein pudding
todays diet... its only 730, just finished my shake about 30 mins ago... gotta fit in some more protein and carbs somewhere... and yeah, little high on fat today... that oil i used to cook up my chicken/tofu/veggies was more then i thought!!

Ill probably grab a couple slices of rye bread and eat 1/2lb lowfat cottage cheese or so...


was in a rush this morning so i got a little off track -

730am -
2 scoops protein in water

9am -
1c~ oatmeal/splenda/cinnamon
1 portion of the daily gruel (tofu/chicken/snowpeas/broccoli)

12pm -
1 portion daily gruel

3pm -
yogurt/almonds (probably should have eaten only 18g instead of 36g)
1 portion daily gruel

415pm -

w/o - 445pm
20 mins bike
10 mins treadmill
60 mins lift - 3x10's, wide squats (smith), sissy squats (smith), deadlifts (bb), leg extension superset w/hamstring curl
10 min walk around track
(normally i fit in lunges after deadlifts... was starting to feel light headed so i skipped them)
((anybody know why i've been getting lightheaded...happens when i do cardio first))

post w/o shake - 7pm
2 scoops powder
8oz water
2 raw eggs

830pm -
2 slices rye bread with 1tbsp sugar free strawberry jelly (10cals, 5g carb not from sugars)
1/2 pound lowfat cottage cheese with pepper

PS - 3J - bf is about 12% down from 13-14% 4 weeks ago, but weight is roughly the same, trying to get down to 8%
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You honestly can not be enjoying this diet, right? There are much more effective and enjoying ways of loosing fat without going to that extreme. I see no point in it.
You honestly can not be enjoying this diet, right? There are much more effective and enjoying ways of loosing fat without going to that extreme. I see no point in it.

if you have an opinion of a easier and healtier way of losing weight please share it with us..

dont just critisize and leave it at that.. its an open forum, we're all here to learn from each other.. share the knowledge!
well the thing is im not 'running' anything really specific, just kinda guessing, from what ive read on here and have experience with... been drinking 1 gallon of water per day as well.... going on 4 weeks of this type of thing now and feel myself leaning out in my legs and upper body.... top couple abs are coming in nicely although my lower stomach still feels bloated pretty often... probably due to the amount of food and water i eat/drink, and the fat from lower abs and love handles is going nowhere :P

meal breakdown for this day is like this:

meal 1 - 730am
your body is begging for amino acids in the morning yet you have none! add eggs!!
2 - 10am

3 - 12pm
1/2 chicken breast
1c broccoli
1/2c cubed yams

4 - 3pm
1/2 chicken breast
1c broccoli
1/2c yam

pre w/o - 415pm

w/o - 445pm
1 hr lift - chest/back superset 3xexercises, 3x15, tri/bi 1 exercise 3x15. (i do arms again on friday, just figure they are already decently worked from chest and back)
20 mins stationary bike, level 12-14, 125-130HR
10 mins treadmil, 8.5%incline, 3.2mph

post w/o - 7pm
2 scoops protein
12oz water (recently switched to water from skim milk)
2 raw eggs
u know i dont mind your pwo but i would highly recommend you add 30g of a semi-simple carb... white rice, white bagel etc.. my personal fav is the white bagel, but since your having the rye bread after i guess this is ok
5 - 830pm
2 slices home made rye bread dipped in hummus every bite..

... 9 or 930pm
protein pudding

your last meal of the day is questionable... what kind of protein is in that pudding?? is it casein? whey?
3J - its whey - used to do it with casein but i ran out... :/
should i go to cottage cheese instead of hte protein pudding? i did that last night.

conrad 415 -
i do enjoy eating like this actually... i find it interesting to try and make regular foods with healthy ingredients... most of the time it turns out great. even when im just throwing healthy things together i usually enjoy it. i used to be a sous-chef when i lived in canada for a short time, and on top of that, ive been a kitchen hobbiest for a long time now.
just outta curiousity, what is so extreme or not enjoyable about my diet? Also - tips to more effectively lose fat plz! :)

PS. weighed in at 218 this morning (post piss & naked - my standard) up a pound from yesterday, wtf!!
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whey runs through ur system very quickly.. switch over to casein.. so cottage cheese works
Would it be recommended to repeat the meal plan that nabiller posted? Because I'm starting my first cutting cycle and I would find it easier just to eat the same meals everyday as being a student it just keeps everything in order.. let me know your thoughts
Would it be recommended to repeat the meal plan that nabiller posted? Because I'm starting my first cutting cycle and I would find it easier just to eat the same meals everyday as being a student it just keeps everything in order.. let me know your thoughts

Don't wanna hijack nabiller's thread but the food choices are solid. so from that standpoint yes there are good food choices. From a "will I cut" standpoint it depends. Go to 3j's first post of his sticky he has sample diets with a lot of good food choices. to cut you need to know your bmr/tdee, what your maintanence level is and when to eat what.

and cardio.............
well the thing is im not 'running' anything really specific, just kinda guessing, from what ive read on here and have experience with... been drinking 1 gallon of water per day as well.... going on 4 weeks of this type of thing now and feel myself leaning out in my legs and upper body.... top couple abs are coming in nicely although my lower stomach still feels bloated pretty often... probably due to the amount of food and water i eat/drink, and the fat from lower abs and love handles is going nowhere :P


Sounds almost 100% of where i was. My upper abs were solid but lower abs weak compared to upper and middle. I ate clean for months but it wasnt until i really upped my cardio that i started seeing progress. It still is my weakest part but its far better than it was. I think part of it is my age and im almost resigned to the fact that i will never have that tight lower ab area (without cosmetic help) but im really happy with the progress ive made after really upping my cardio.

The downside to all that cardio is my leg development suffers. They are lean as hell but not quite as big as i would like them.

I see you do your cardio pwo, how often do you do it? and any chance you could get some early morning/empty stomach cardio in? I try to do a little of both but im 100% sold on empty stomach cardio.