You need to include reference ranges and if you are feeling nice, bold the ones that aren't normal.
Fixed but I couldn't bold text on my device so added "High/Low" on the ones the report specified as such.
You need to include reference ranges and if you are feeling nice, bold the ones that aren't normal.
consider adding 5k to 10k iu daily of vitamin d. preferably the cod liver extract. also add in some dhea 50mg -100mg. break them up. 1/2 morning 1/2 night. it wont fix the low t. but you will feel less crappy.
So we have already discussed the Low T. The other one that stands out is Vitamin D. You need to supplement more. 5-10K iu per day. 2K is usually not enough.
Right now I'm getting 1K from multi and however much from diet. The 2K I just got and will start taking two per day.
I will post the latest labs on Monday or Tuesday and update you guys afterwards.
5-10k per day is better.
I will have today's lab results Monday or Tuesday (with Urologist).
I didn't get anywhere calling about the proper lab tests so only had the following ordered:
Total and Free Test
While at the VA I grabbed a copy of my labs from 4/14 and I will post them later today.
Thanks for reading.
Am I missing something? 1K + 2K + 2K = 5K
I missed your part about 1-2 per day. It makes it easier when you just list the total dosage so we don't have to extend the math.
What do you think about Primary vs Secondary based on the latest labs?
You appear to be leaning towards secondary.
I'm still here at the VA. Just saw the urologist and he says my test is "just a little low." Says it should be 300-325.
He prescribed AndroGel 1.62% 20.25mg/pump 2 pumps/day and wants me to retest in August and follow up with him in Sept.
No varicoceles in the testicles, no hernia etc.
I guess his plan is to increase my T and then wean me off and get labs again etc.
I don't know how to feel about all this just yet.
The missing labs finally came in:
Test 259 (250-1100)
Free Test 54.9 (35-155)
So Test was 245 the first time and 259 two weeks later.
Free Test, I can't tell how good/bad 54.9 is since the reference range is probably similar to Test where it includes all ages etc.
Hello there, I'm new to the board also, I have been trying to get the balls to post. Sorry I can't shed any lite on your medical issue, but I also have been intermittent fasting 16/8. Have had some decent results lost 9lbs in three weeks. Seems once I hit 40 it's hard to keep that spair tire away that's only place I hold fat. I'm sure the low t has something to do with that. hopefully I can get started on my trt here soon and reap the benefits. Your workout looks solid. I work out 4 times a week anything more than that seems to be overtraining for my body anyways, everybody is different. I have been following a lot of the members post on the trt forums, seems to be a lot of help and knowledge here hopefully some fellas with more exp can help and guide us rooks. Good luck probably be seeing you around.