My experience of IGF1 LR3


New member
I sourced my IGF1 from SRC. Reconstituted it with acetic acid (unfortunately forgot to remove the vacuum in the vial before injecting acid into the vial) and loaded it up into 25 insulin syringes (40mcg per shot). I had my first dose immediately after reconstitution (evening) pre work out. I stored the rest of the loaded syringes in the freezer. Day 2, I was very hungry and had to eat every 3 hours, I also felt that I looked a bit leaner. From day 3 onwards apart from a slight increase in hunger (much less than day 2) I am not seeing any noticeable effects. I have also not noticed any noticeable increase in pumps after cardio or weights. I usually take my igf in the morning but work out in the evening.

Am I doing anything wrong?

Can reconstituted IGF be stored in the freezer?

Any comments from experienced users appreciated. Thanks