My experience with peptides ghrp2, ghrp6, mod grf1-29, peg mgf


New member
I am going to post my experience with peptides for whoever wants it. i am doing this simply because there wasnt much information like this when i was doing my research so hopefully it can be of use to someone. note i was using only peptides and natural suppliments, no gear.

GHRP-6 and MOD GRF 1-29. 100mcg of each 3x per day shot sub-q morning, post workout and bedtime
I was very excited to try this one for its appitite enhancment.

Things i noticed:
acne got a bit worse
muscles felt fuller
sinuses cleared within seconds after injecting
the shits (literally), this was the main reason i stopped use
also this only happened twice but severe nausea immediately after injecting (hit a blood vessel maybe?)

Things i didn't notice:
HUNGER!!! was very dissapointed (bad peptides maybe?)

GHRP-2 and MOD GRF 1-29. 100mcg of each 3x per day shot sub-q morning, post workout and bedtime
Was actually expecting this to do nothing. the only reason i wanted to try peptides in the first place was for the ghrp6 appitite but i decided to give ghrp2 a go anyway

Things i noticed:
Overall small increase in muscle mass
Muscles felt fuller
aching joints (was easily bareable and only lasted 2 days, felt like the growing pains you get as a teenager)
small lowering in body fat even at maintainence or slightly surplus calories

PEG MGF 200mcg split into 2 doses and site injected into the muscle (100mcg each side) the day after i worked said muscle
I havnt been using this one for very long but ill note the effects so far

Things i noticed:
a few minutes after injecting you get a small pump in the muscle
i believe it has helped add some size
thats about it so far for peg mgf but it looks promising so far and im excited to see future improvement

feel free to ask questions or give advice
very strange, I had none of your symptoms, a little numbness upon waking in my arms, no pump or acne, no nausea. the tiny amount of gh it releases shouldn't result in muscle pumps. Did you inject on an empty stomach? Before or after meals? etc.... I have had some fatloss, though very little. My view of these peptides are equivalent to a double dose of creatine hcl. to me, not worth the money.
yeah always injected 90 mins after food then wait 30 mins before eating carbs or fats. the pump was from the peg mgf not the ghrp i dont get any pump from the ghrp. i havent had any numbness nor did i get and carpal tunnel which i was kind of expecting to get cos i had it for a short period years ago (non peptide related). they are expensive but i was willing to give them a shot anyway its the only thing keeping me off anabolics at the moment
oh ok lol. get off that and get back on the good stuff man, let's face it, everyone here has an issue or we wouldn't be doing gear. Embrace it, accept it, and then get jacked lol.
Yeah thats the plan. Get huuuuge. Just want to do it safely and be informed about what im doing. Ironicly gear will be cheaper than peptides for me in Australia