My first 10 week cycle! First Post.


New member
What up. Fortunately I found this whole awesome community to help (me) and contribute to. So my story. 5'9" 170 Lbs. 27 y/o. BF - 13% Ive been working out for some time. Its always been more of a 'I like the way I feel' when I hit the gym. Never really thinking about how much I weigh or my BF just how I look/where I want to be. I have done a PH cycle in the past w moderate gains. I am looking to do my first AAS in a few months. First I want to get some blood work to see where my levels currently stand then move on from there. Ive changed up my diet. Got everything honed in as far as that goes, never felt better/saw better results. I do KNOW its 99% Diet... My changes this year alone have told me that. I think if I worked my ass off for another year I would be at my bodies potential and I can wait for that plateau to come. I just rather blow through it now. I could wait though, no rush for this IMO.

My plan:
W 1-10 Test Enth 250mg E3D
W 1-12 12.5mg Aromasin 2x a week
W 3-10 250iu HCG every 4 days

Post Cycle Therapy starts week 13 as follows: [(comments on dosage pls Its all over the place from user to user Im looking for standard i.e. 40/40/20/20)
W 13-16 Nolva 20mg 2x/d

Run this with a multi throughout.

Milk Thistle - 500mg (liver)
Vitamin B-5 – 500mg (cholesterol/acne)
Hawthorne Berry Extract – 300mg (blood pressure)
Vitamin B6 – 200mg (cardiovascular function)

My main goal is to get stronger, feel better, look better and keep my gains. Thanks for reading, looking fwd to some responses.

What am I leaving out?
1) Test E should be ran a few weeks longer than 10wks because it will take half that time just to kick in. Most recommend a minimum of 12wks.

2) armoasin's terminal half life in men is around 8hrs, so taking it 2x a week is not going to be enough. Try 6.25-12.5mg/ED. And adjust accordingly with a mid-cycle blood test.

3) HCG is not needed but can help maintain testicular size during cycle, your preference. (It comes with its own list of sides).

4) your post cycle therapy (pct) is basically only nolva 40mg/day for 4 weeks. Nolva is good at helping block the estrogen rebound when coming off an exogenous test cycle but it will do nothing to the HPTA. Hcg on cycle will help keep you from getting shutdown but I'm not familiar enough with it to know if once you come off cycle and discontinue its use whether the sudden drop in test levels and subsequent rebound in estrogen will shit you back down. For post cycle therapy (pct) add clomid a 50mg/day for 4wks or 50/50/25/25.

5) def get bloodwork and post up the results so the experienced members can tell you what to watch out for and if there's any cause for concern.

6) pay strict attention to your diet. If you want to bulk eat at a caloric surplus, ensuring enough protein and fats (essential macronutrients) and get a good amount of carbs in (not essential but very important for intense training).

7) Dont do test e pins e3d. Some weeks you'll end up with 3pins instead of 2, shortening the length of your cycle and creating spikes in your plasma concentration. Stick to 2pins a week i.e. tues/sat or mon/fri etc
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Thanks for the suggestions!

Clomid and Nolva, got it. Ill start off aromasin at 6.25 ED and see how it works, if sides start occuring Ill throw in another 6.25 and check bloods. Also pinning e4d's test e @ 12 weeks.

hCG protocol it is important to discontinue hCG 2 weeks prior to AAS clearance. Therefore, when you officially start post cycle therapy (pct) you will be clean of all AAS's and will be 14 days from your last hCG shot. This allows your testes to become re-sensitized to the body's LH signal from the brain, making for a quick recovery of natural testosterone production as soon as the steroids and hCG clear the system.. it allows you to start recovering as soon as post cycle therapy (pct) begins.

Looks like I got it up and ready to go.
drop milk thistle and run liv52 if you need a liver protectant? (you dont because your not running an oral) , milk thistle is known to hinder gains.
would start pct 14 days after last injection, not 21.
absolutely run hcg, i didnt and now have hypogonadism and pretty much sterile..
drop milk thistle and run liv52 if you need a liver protectant? (you dont because your not running an oral) , milk thistle is known to hinder gains.
would start pct 14 days after last injection, not 21.
absolutely run hcg, i didnt and now have hypogonadism and pretty much sterile..

he can use the liv52, i use Cycle Assist, which helps in liver, prostate, acne, bp