My first 500mg Test E only 8 week cycle


New member
First of all i want to say hello to all of you.Im 21 years old , 179 cm , 73kg, been training for 2 years and im currently in my 4th week of a 8 week test e only cycle (500 mg/week 1 shot monday).I've had some problems sleeping but all the other things seem to work good.Problem is i feel sort a small pain in my right pec and i dont know what to do.It isnt that bad but still i wonder what it is.Then the main problem .. the PCT. I read so much stuff this month about the PCT is ridic, i wonder how much contradicting info its out there.So my main newbie question are for someone who already did a test cycle and recovered good without having any problems down there.What PCT should i do? And do i need to take something besides test e during this light cycle? Thank you,be blessed.
What aromatase inhibitor are you using and at what dose? Have you checked your estradiol to see how high it is? Sounds like you have high estradiol which could possibly lead to gynecomastia.
Also 8 weeks? That's extremely short, can you run it out 12 weeks? A person should have pct ready to go prior to even starting a cycle, and some research is always good
i dont use ani AI because i really dont know what to buy. i know i should already have pct bought but i read to much stuff and i was so confused.also the guys at my gym laugh when i ask about pct,they just do one shot of hcg 2 week after last pin and thats all.Do i need an AI during cycle and also post? and what does the usage look like?
You need to read the Sticky Threads here first of all. They will walk you through how to run a proper cycle.

For an AI you need Arimidex or aromasin. And yes, absolutely run those while on cycle -- all the way up until the time you start PCT. You can order AI's from RUI. You will see their banner ad at the top of your screen. Do this right away. You should pick up some Raloxifene too in case you have gyno. They have everything you need for PCT as well.
Yu should always buy AI and pct with cycle if not expect some sides for sure do not start cycle without them if the guys at the gym told you to kill yourself would you no next time I recommend you do some research on this before you do it . But look into arimidex or aromasin for ai and nolvadex and clomid for pct
Adex .25mg eod or e3d. Is a good place to start, sense already having issues, start at .5mg and see if your sides go away, then run .25 like I mentioned before. If they laugh about pct, then they have not done research, think long term life choices when using steroids. Hope this helps, let me know if I need more advice
thank you a lot. so Aromasin only while on cycle 12.5 mg a day everyday without nolva(tamoxifen) sounds good? a lot of guys say u must take it with nolva. and about PCT. what dosage of nolva and clomid should i use? sorry for this stupid questions they are all over the internet i know but they differ so much i dont know how to take them.
thank you a lot. so Aromasin only while on cycle 12.5 mg a day everyday without nolva(tamoxifen) sounds good? a lot of guys say u must take it with nolva. and about PCT. what dosage of nolva and clomid should i use? sorry for this stupid questions they are all over the internet i know but they differ so much i dont know how to take them.

It's all in the stickies bro. Search the forum
Another good read