My first AAS cycle. var only! (Ha jk its test)


New member
After 5 years of waiting and researching and telling myself i wasn't ready- i have crossed over to the dark side.

I am 23 years old. 6.1 and 205 pounds. I have been training heavily since i was 16 for football and track and continued all the way up until now. I became interested in AAS while pursuing a degree in human health science and have sought to learn everything i can about it ever since.

I decided to not jump on the var only train like so many of my friends and began with a simple test only cycle to best control variables and see how it affected me.

My pre cycle bloodwork is TEST (608) and E2 (40). I shoulda done SHBG too but i imagine that it is high with that high estrogen and minimal sides. I hypothesize it is that high due to my heavy marijuana habit and just coming off SSRIS which can always fuck shit up.

Anyway onto the cycle!

Weeks 1-10 TEST E 300mg (pin 150 sunday and wednesday)
Weeks 1-12 Aromasin 6.25 ED (starting before 14 day ester releases cause i would like to bring my E2 down a bit anyway)
Weeks 12-15 NOLVA 40/20/20/20/20
Weeks 13-14 possibly adding in some aromasin if E2 is shown to be high and nolva is only blocking it.

As mentioned before i was in school for nutrition so i'll spare the explanation of my diet but i am sure almost all of you would approve.

I am using 1.5 inch pins for my gluteal sites and 1 inch pins for my quads. I am Z tracking and aspirating and did my 3rd shot today successfully (but not without insane anxiety).

The UGL is AML and i have read over many forums a divided stance on them. Most relates to their business practices and not as much on their actual product quality. I am running bloodwork for the whole duration of this cycle and too worry about their practices but also feel it has benefits.

I am smart enough to know that i truly know nothing at all so please criticize as you see fit.
bump the dose up to 500mg/week fella and run for 12 weeks not 10. only small tweaks but it will make plenty of difference and leave you a happy man by the end of your cycle instead of wishing you bumped it up.
Yep bump the dose to 500mg a week, 10 weeks is good but 12 would be optimal.

Actually to criticise would be wrong, rather well done for doing a bit of research before hand and getting blood work before, during and after the cycle!
Up the test to 500 per week and extend to 12 weeks like the guys said. Also, I would have ran some HCG as well. Lastly, include Clomid for your PCT along with the Nolva.
hCG isn't neccesary, but its one of those optional things that if you can get it, it would be good to have, but not necessary for a 12 week test only cycle.

Clomid is also superior to Nolva in restoring but a common side from it is youll get very emotional/depressed on it which for me makes it a real pain, 50mg for 4 weeks will suffice, if you already have the nolva then you will be fine with that but it wouldn't hurt. Look into toremifene for PCT as another option.

When it comes to hCG/PCT its a bit of a there are many ways to skin a cat situation so you will get varying opinions.
hCG isn't neccesary, but its one of those optional things that if you can get it, it would be good to have, but not necessary for a 12 week test only cycle.

Clomid is also superior to Nolva in restoring but a common side from it is youll get very emotional/depressed on it which for me makes it a real pain, 50mg for 4 weeks will suffice, if you already have the nolva then you will be fine with that but it wouldn't hurt. Look into toremifene for PCT as another option.

When it comes to hCG/PCT its a bit of a there are many ways to skin a cat situation so you will get varying opinions.

This is where myself and a lot of other folks disagree with you. HCG is highly recommended. Read this thread and decide for yourself OP.
Don't get me wrong, hCG is great to have but IMO for a 12 week test only cycle you can get away with not using it. But yes, it would be good to have on hand if you can get it.
Don't get me wrong, hCG is great to have but IMO for a 12 week test only cycle you can get away with not using it. But yes, it would be good to have on hand if you can get it.

How do you know he can get away with it?? There is no telling which is why it's better to be on the side of caution. It greatly helps with recovery and thats what the OP will want unless he likes the idea of TRT.
Placed an order for HCG and clomid. Might as well get the kitchen sink for this thing.

Also with regards to bumping up the dose basically my theory on using 300 was 2 fold. As you increase blood test levels you increase side effects and of course increase the amount of ancilleries you must take now too (aromisin etc), and the other was reading that popular study where they did 300 versus 600 and results were similar.

But **** it. There is no substitution for experience. Im adding in another shot of 150 for 450 a week.

Updates will soon follow. Im still waiting for something to kick in.
Placed an order for HCG and clomid. Might as well get the kitchen sink for this thing.

Also with regards to bumping up the dose basically my theory on using 300 was 2 fold. As you increase blood test levels you increase side effects and of course increase the amount of ancilleries you must take now too (aromisin etc), and the other was reading that popular study where they did 300 versus 600 and results were similar.

But **** it. There is no substitution for experience. Im adding in another shot of 150 for 450 a week.

Updates will soon follow. Im still waiting for something to kick in.

I did 300mg per week for my first cycle. However looking back, I would have probably done at least 400-500mg per week. Might as well reap the benefits of all that testosterone in your body because you are going to get shut down with 300mg or 500mg. 300mg per week is enough to grow but like I said I would just do 450mg like you are planning now.
How do you know he can get away with it?? There is no telling which is why it's better to be on the side of caution. It greatly helps with recovery and thats what the OP will want unless he likes the idea of TRT.

LH stimulates p450scc which is the body's natural test production so HCG as a LH analog will do this too, lH is needed for adrenal function (another HCG benefit), no/little testicular atrophy meaning the testes are more responsive to increased LH via SERM treatment (HCG benefit too), etc etc etc. Agree with Rip 100% as usual
Ok so today has been the official 1 week mark. (Injections last thurs, sat, this thurs)

A little update. My skin is getting worse. Definitly zits popping up. I just recieved bloodwork and my estrogen is still high (49) which worries me because ive been on aromisin 6.25 or 12.5 everyday and taking nolva yesterday and today for my itchy nips.

Ive been on the AIs since day one to reduce my already high serum lebels of E2. And it hasnt. Is AML aromisin ever known to be fake or? Id like to get this sorted before the test truly hits.
I hate aromasin, I know its a personal thing but I can't count how many people I have put on a gyno reduction protocol because they wanted to use aromasin.. On paper Aromasin is king but in my experience Arimidex has never let me or my people down and aromasin has. It may be user specific and lab quality that is the issue but again dex has never let me down..
Ya im learning that whats on paper is a lot different than what happens in the real world. AAS is no exception. Anyway i took 12.5 aromisin tonight and a 20mg nolva as a stopgap to stop my nips from achin. Tomorrow im going to do some more bloodwork and post the results tomorrow afternoon. After all those AIs and SERMS if its not lower i dunno if i can safely continue the cycle cause that test is creepin up.
Switch to arimidex if its not going down but give it time as it takes a couple days when you up your dosage to actually take effect at that dosage. Your using AML for gear as well? are you in Canada or the US
I have found the opposite with aromasin and adex... Adex at 1mg a day was not enough to stop nipples being very sensitive on a 250mg E7D protocol, switching over to 12.5mg aromasin ED solved that. This was with both pharma adex and aromasin.

And no, I do not run that protocol anymore for TRT.
I Am using 100% AML products. And while i dont seem to be doubting the test. I really find myself doubting the ancilleries. I now have 2 bloodtests showing elevated levels using their aromisin.
I have found the opposite with aromasin and adex... Adex at 1mg a day was not enough to stop nipples being very sensitive on a 250mg E7D protocol, switching over to 12.5mg aromasin ED solved that. This was with both pharma adex and aromasin.

And no, I do not run that protocol anymore for TRT.

Sensitive nipples doesn't mean gyno. Many reasons for sensitive nipples. I have a VERY hard time believing that with adex and aromasin. Aromasin is by far the weaker of the two. Were they from the same source? Do you have blood work showing your E2 levels with each AI? If all you're basing this on is sensitive nipples it really isn't an objective analysis.
I Am using 100% AML products. And while i dont seem to be doubting the test. I really find myself doubting the ancilleries. I now have 2 bloodtests showing elevated levels using their aromisin.

Aromasin will take longer than adex to start working effectively. It also requires a much higher dose. 50mg daily is not an unheard of dose and needed by quite a few ppl.