My first cycle help


New member
Alright guys, I'm planning my first cycle. I have done lots of reseach and have descided to do test e only. I will give the specifics of the cycle but first I'll give some brief background.
I am a 29 year old male. I have been lifting weights off and on since Junior High but more importantly, I have been lifting very seriously for a solid 5 years. I am 6', 242 pounds , 15% body fat. I am going to be trainning for powerlifting for 12 weeks and then bodybuilding for 12 weeks after that. With that being said, here is the cycle I plan on using:

Testosterone ethanate 500mg per week(250mg on Monday and 250 mg on Thursday ) for 12 weeks
Arimidex on hand just incase of gyno
(not sure if I'll need it)

two weeks after last pin
clomid 50/50/50/50
Nolvadex 40/40/20/20

How does it look? Also my body type is Meso/Endo. More toward the meso but I can get chuncky if i dont watch my diet. Also I just moved so if anyone can PM me with a gear link, I woud be extremely greatful.
Arimidex. you will need it so use it eod or daily from the first day.

if you think its "just in case of Gyno" please go read the stickys
I would run the adex throughout to control your estrogen. Noone is gonna pm you a link. Thats how you get scammed