New member
Alright guys, I'm planning my first cycle. I have done lots of reseach and have descided to do test e only. I will give the specifics of the cycle but first I'll give some brief background.
I am a 29 year old male. I have been lifting weights off and on since Junior High but more importantly, I have been lifting very seriously for a solid 5 years. I am 6', 242 pounds , 15% body fat. I am going to be trainning for powerlifting for 12 weeks and then bodybuilding for 12 weeks after that. With that being said, here is the cycle I plan on using:
Testosterone ethanate 500mg per week(250mg on Monday and 250 mg on Thursday ) for 12 weeks
Arimidex on hand just incase of gyno
(not sure if I'll need it)
two weeks after last pin
clomid 50/50/50/50
Nolvadex 40/40/20/20
How does it look? Also my body type is Meso/Endo. More toward the meso but I can get chuncky if i dont watch my diet. Also I just moved so if anyone can PM me with a gear link, I woud be extremely greatful.
I am a 29 year old male. I have been lifting weights off and on since Junior High but more importantly, I have been lifting very seriously for a solid 5 years. I am 6', 242 pounds , 15% body fat. I am going to be trainning for powerlifting for 12 weeks and then bodybuilding for 12 weeks after that. With that being said, here is the cycle I plan on using:
Testosterone ethanate 500mg per week(250mg on Monday and 250 mg on Thursday ) for 12 weeks
Arimidex on hand just incase of gyno
(not sure if I'll need it)
two weeks after last pin
clomid 50/50/50/50
Nolvadex 40/40/20/20
How does it look? Also my body type is Meso/Endo. More toward the meso but I can get chuncky if i dont watch my diet. Also I just moved so if anyone can PM me with a gear link, I woud be extremely greatful.