New member
Hey guys first I apologize for my bad English I will do my best to make you understand so am 18 years old my height 185cm weight 85kg bf 14% I have been training for 8 months i will not start my cycle until I finish 10 months of natty hard working i will do same like the beginner cycle my question is should I start a shreded diet with my first cycle and try to make my bf 8~9 is it right to make the first sycle a shreded sycle? my shreded diet will be like this protien 2.5 for every kg carp 1g for every kg fat 1.4 g and another question about the hcg that I should take it along with test does that mean I put 250m with 500 iu in the same sryng and take it in the same time or I take test then the hcg the last question is can I make my cycle for 14 week? or I have to stick with the 12 week for a first cycle thank you and I apologize again for my English
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