my first cycle need advice


New member
Hey guys first I apologize for my bad English I will do my best to make you understand so am 18 years old my height 185cm weight 85kg bf 14% I have been training for 8 months i will not start my cycle until I finish 10 months of natty hard working i will do same like the beginner cycle my question is should I start a shreded diet with my first cycle and try to make my bf 8~9 is it right to make the first sycle a shreded sycle? my shreded diet will be like this protien 2.5 for every kg carp 1g for every kg fat 1.4 g and another question about the hcg that I should take it along with test does that mean I put 250m with 500 iu in the same sryng and take it in the same time or I take test then the hcg the last question is can I make my cycle for 14 week? or I have to stick with the 12 week for a first cycle thank you and I apologize again for my English
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Please read all you can and take what you can from it as there is lots of solid advice on someone your age going this route
thank you i have read it all and got the problem that I can face but tbh am into the game so bad and I am planning to make it my lifestyle and go to the stage and we all know natty won't get you there so my question is what the worst can happen to me with hcg and aromasin with 500test cycle will my test get to the normal lvl after I finish the pct sycle? Question 2 will I keep the gain I got from my cycle with clomid and novldex or should I take some thing with it since my age is 18? Question 3 is there any sign when am in the cycle that can tell me that my cycle went wrong and my test lvl won't get back normal if i keep going ( like something in my balls or in my body or in my blood test when am in sycle)? Am really into the game and into this life I want some guys to answer my questions and give me some advice to make the danger of my health as low as possible like things I can do when am in the cycle or in pct or increasing the hcg amount or clomid and things like that I apologize for my bad English
thank you i have read it all and got the problem that I can face but tbh am into the game so bad and I am planning to make it my lifestyle and go to the stage and we all know natty won't get you there

you do know that if you do NOT have the capacity to build a great physique naturally , good enough to get on stage 'natural' .. then you don't have good body building genetics to begin with , and no amount of steroids will ever change that
So you are 18 and have been training for 8 months ? Did I get that? There are so many reasons not to do this.
Being too young is te most important reason not to. But you will hurt your joints and tendons and ligaments due to not having a base of muscle as well as joints used to the loads and on and on. In short you are going to fvck up you future down the road.

Another thing at 18 years old you don't have a clue as to what you really want to do with your life. NOT enough to stake what you are going to by moving forward with this plan at this time. You need to get a few years in the gym before you do this. You need to educate yourself in regard to AAS safe usage. Even if someone spoon feeds you, you need to know if they are telling you correctly so you don't get fvcked up.

I'm off to the gym and I'll let the others explain more. I can not spend my time spoon feeding and arguing with such an ignorant person who answers the Q's as you did.
No I don't want

I'd give my left nut to be two inches taller. lol I see I'm dealing with another kid who thinks they are immortal (just like I did when I was a typical teenager with raging hormones.)
OK then, would you like to make more money than your peers??
Do you know that (unfortunately for me), that when choices are made to give raises and promotions, with all things being equal, the taller people in this world get chosen more often. Yes there are lots of studies done. And there are medical consequences. You don't get something for nothing in this world. Lastly, I can honestly see the attraction to that life style. But be prepared to need a day job, just like everyone else. And I'm off to the gym too. I can't let oldmusclemike get ahead of me. :)
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OK guys thank you am not the person you think who is stupid and don't think about his future I just wanted to take your advice about it and I can see it's a bad decision for now I will notake it for now but how much I should wait before taking it? And another question should I start shreded diet am 15 bf and my weight is 85 or I should gain more weight? And is the diet I mentioned up is a good diet? all respect for you and thank you for your time
Okay I don't think they're is any height issue as 95% of people are done growing vertically by 18, but my biggest issue is you have been training for less than a year! It would be one thing if you decided to start at 20 and you've been training since you were 14, but you started at 17 and now want to hop on at 18. I know everyone doesn't have the same potential to reach an excellent natural base, but hell you haven't even tried. Train AT LEAST 3 years. I was able to put on over 30lbs of muscle (mostly) as a teen along with a 550lb squat before ever taking gear in my twenties. You will learn so much in this time period. If you don't know how to train you'll never maintain a physique without the gear. I bet you think you understand how to train, but at least give it 3 years, and think about it again at 20 or 21.

Another thing is how are we supposed to know if you should gain more weight or try to lose fat? We don't know your goals or what you look like. It's like me asking you if I should spank my monkey or drink a scotch? who fuckin knows.

Regarding HCG there are 2 schools of thought. Take 500 iu weekly while on cycle or take 1000-2000 iu a week for 3 weeks with nolvadex post cycle. I know other members are going to look negatively on this, but I have seen teens take simple dbol only cycles with great results, nearly zero sides, and function fine afterwards. Low doses prove to be better. With test only I'd keep it to 10 weeks. You don't want to be on anabolics long while you are still developing. This is just my 2cc's and by no means should be taken as medical advice. It's your life and it's your choice to make. Study, study , and study more.
I would train for a few years and see how big you can get with proper training, diet, and sleep. No this is not what you want to hear but its the best advice! if your train hard for 3-4 years you will get big, and if you are still not satisfied you can use gear to get to the next level, but you are young and your test is high naturally. Don't risk fucking up your body at this young age. And if you decide to take steroids read the fuck out of this forum before you take a shot.
Mate, you are too young to be using androgens of any kind, doing so will only cause issues with your endogenous hormone panel. You should train naturally for much longer than what you are talking about and shouldnt really be needing aas until at least 28 i think, unless you jave a pre disposed condition. You dont want to be on hrt for the rest of your life, i am, and im telling you for your own good , dont do it to yourself. At your age you have all the testosterone you need to build muscle and non of the knowledge to safely use androgend, so please dont . Train hard, eat well, sleep well you will grow fast... educate yourself on aas by all means , but do not use them at this point in your young life. I know you probably wont listen, but i urge you strongly to listen well
Mate, you are too young to be using androgens of any kind, doing so will only cause issues with your endogenous hormone panel. You should train naturally for much longer than what you are talking about and shouldnt really be needing aas until at least 28 i think, unless you jave a pre disposed condition. You dont want to be on hrt for the rest of your life, i am, and im telling you for your own good , dont do it to yourself. At your age you have all the testosterone you need to build muscle and non of the knowledge to safely use androgend, so please dont . Train hard, eat well, sleep well you will grow fast... educate yourself on aas by all means , but do not use them at this point in your young life. I know you probably wont listen, but i urge you strongly to listen well
Thank you my friend for you care I already decided to not do any aas for now am getting good results of my hard training and my diet