I'm 40 years old. I've been on TRT for 3.5 to 4 years. I'm 5' 11" 180-185 lbs. Body fat is about 18-20%. I do 320 test cyp per week and 1mg adaex mon, wed, and friday.
Because of frequent blood work (every 3 months) I need to run short ester gear for 10 weeks. I have had a lot of help from people here and appreciate it. I would appreciate some opinions on running my first cycle. Dosages, PCT, and such. Thanks so much.
Because of frequent blood work (every 3 months) I need to run short ester gear for 10 weeks. I have had a lot of help from people here and appreciate it. I would appreciate some opinions on running my first cycle. Dosages, PCT, and such. Thanks so much.
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