My First Cycle... NPP and Test Prop. Help Please?

I'm 40 years old. I've been on TRT for 3.5 to 4 years. I'm 5' 11" 180-185 lbs. Body fat is about 18-20%. I do 320 test cyp per week and 1mg adaex mon, wed, and friday.

Because of frequent blood work (every 3 months) I need to run short ester gear for 10 weeks. I have had a lot of help from people here and appreciate it. I would appreciate some opinions on running my first cycle. Dosages, PCT, and such. Thanks so much.
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Please clarify your TRT protocol. Is it 320mg/wk and 1mg Adex/wk split in 3 doses? What are your t levels? 320/wk is more cycle than TRT.
Please clarify your TRT protocol. Is it 320mg/wk and 1mg Adex/wk split in 3 doses? What are your t levels? 320/wk is more cycle than TRT.

don't know my levels. i just go to the doc and they tell me i'm good or not. I do intend to do my own labs while on cycle.
I encourage you to be more involved in your treatment. Many docs are undereducated. I've never heard of a TRT dose of 320mg/wk or higher....

Unfortunately, because you don't review your blood work, it'll be a guess as to what starting dose of ai to run.

No hcg in your protocol?

This is what I'd run
175mg test p eod
100mg npp eod
.5 Adex eod
.5 caber 2/wk
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I encourage you to be more involved in your treatment. Many docs are undereducated. I've never heard of a TRT dose of 320mg/wk or higher....

Unfortunately, because you don't review your blood work, it'll be a guess as to what does of ai to run.

So I can't be given good advice because I don't do my own on bw? I try not to sound to interested in my levels with the doc. i know if they suspect anything i could be cut out of therapy.
don't know my levels. i just go to the doc and they tell me i'm good or not. I do intend to do my own labs while on cycle.

I just saw your other thread; it was suggested that you get an estradiol lab done, to which you agreed. You ever get that done?

TRT management needs to come before you start cycling. If you want to be healthy, it's pretty important that you get that squared away first. Unless you have a metabolic condition, you're already cycling by the way.

Just so you don't think this is a mocking post looking down in judgement, the reason why you want to know where TRT puts you is that cycling can often be based upon the numbers from TRT. If you really do need 3mg of adex and 325mg of test a week, your cycle doses will be significantly different than the average person's.

My .02c :)
So I can't be given good advice because I don't do my own on bw? I try not to sound to interested in my levels with the doc. i know if they suspect anything i could be cut out of therapy.

I gave you good advice.
You cannot be given the best advice.

There is nothing suspicious about showing interest in your health. You're the first person on TRT I've interacted with who does not know where his TRT dose puts his test levels.
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thanks guys. I really apologize for trusting my doctor whom I like and has a great record. Not being facetious or sarcastic at all. they've told me too low, too high, and so on. I follow their directions and I feel good. I will take my bw into my own hands going forward. I also, live on the road, have to balance many meds, and work up to 70 hrs per week on a construction site. I do apologize for not being more dialed in, but I struggle.
thanks guys. I really apologize for trusting my doctor whom I like and has a great record. Not being facetious or sarcastic at all. they've told me too low, too high, and so on. I follow their directions and I feel good. I will take my bw into my own hands going forward. I also, live on the road, have to balance many meds, and work up to 70 hrs per week on a construction site. I do apologize for not being more dialed in, but I struggle.

We're told to trust doctors implicitly from a very young age. Unfortunately, as doctors are human beings just like us, they can make mistakes or just end up being wrong. It's your body, and what happens to it impacts you - not them.

It's always in your best interests to know what is going on, as this allows you to participate in your health care management. You likely wouldn't go to the car dealership and hand them a blank check for a check up would you? Same thing, but we don't get to upgrade our bodies when they get high miles.

Please don't think we're being harsh, just looking out for a fellow human. :)
thanks guys. I really apologize for trusting my doctor whom I like and has a great record. Not being facetious or sarcastic at all. they've told me too low, too high, and so on. I follow their directions and I feel good. I will take my bw into my own hands going forward. I also, live on the road, have to balance many meds, and work up to 70 hrs per week on a construction site. I do apologize for not being more dialed in, but I struggle.

here's what you do:
tell the doctor that you want to keep track of your numbers over time. He sure as hell won't go to the same level detail that you will. That way if you have any blood test, over a 10 year period you can assess what is working. Whereas he's more likely to compare your current to the last 1-2 and leave it there. If you want to go extreme tell him you're a whizz with Excel and that you want to plug in your numbers and graph them over time...whatever you think works.

This way he's still the trusted source of info, isn't worried you're going outside your TRT and maybe even happier you're looking after your own health.
"[QUOTE/]No hcg in your protocol?

This is what I'd run
175mg test p eod
100mg npp eod
.5 Adex eod
.5 caber 2/wk

yes hcg, sorry .24 twice a week. what is caber? i searched but did not find.[/QUOTE]

cabergoline, like pramipexole (caber and prami) are dopamine agonists used to ameliorate high prolactin levels.

I've only seen them run when a guy is running a 19-nor steroid like nandrolone or tren.
Wow. Those are really high test numbers. I'm surprised your estrogen isn't out of whack but that's def not high.

You know I'd be a little worried about what keeping your test that high for a few years has done to your Hct and RBC numbers. It would almost be weird if they weren't high. Do you donate often?
Wow. Those are really high test numbers. I'm surprised your estrogen isn't out of whack but that's def not high.

You know I'd be a little worried about what keeping your test that high for a few years has done to your Hct and RBC numbers. It would almost be weird if they weren't high. Do you donate often?

I give blood. Before my last draw...


Back in 01/05/2016

RBC 13.1